Sunday, May 29, 2011

My fav poem

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Friday, May 27, 2011

cuti tapi bukan cuti..

mesti semua suka hari jumaat kan..sebab sabtu mostly teda kelas..
dan dengar2 ada yg sudah start cuti sekolah..
saya ???
hemph..tidak apa la...
sy teruskan perjuangan menyiapkan assignment sy...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

saya hairan..

kenapa kah time2 sibuk nih..time2 ni juga lah..tangan sy ni rajin mau menaip new entry..journal yang kena hantar next week tu,,, tidak pula 'di continue kan'.. la bhasa melayu saya ni..kena ikut kelas cik ana la lepas nih.. :D

journal apa ? journal ni..development study..
masa ambil subject ni, at first rasa sangat bersemangat..sebap related to economics.. dan banyak isu yang dikupas..dapatlah saya relate kan dengan negara saya sendiri Malaysia. sometime ada perasaan mau balik Malaysia cepat2..then mau apply semua yg sy belajar. tapi baru setahun jagung. ilmu belum cukup di dada.

tapi x day.. i go back..i'll make a changes..a reform.. x perlu lah buat yang besar2..kecik2 pun boleh la. kan..sebap kecik2 lama2 jadi bukit.. or..larian beribu kilometer tu bermula dengan satu langkah..boleh pakai ke ? hehehe
tapi satu yang sy belajar..apa pun perubahan yang kita mahu..kena start dari diri kita sendiri..internal changes will make external changes..slowly..kan..:)

tapi inilah pandangan budak mentah. nanti kalau dah besar lagi..hopefully semangat tidak luntur..

baiklah..saya kena bersemangat lah untuk belajar...
saya pergi dulu. nanti kalau otak nih dah penat tengok reading yg berlambak tu..saya datang cni..
jumpa lagi my journal..:)


okay lah..hari ni, masa tengok2 dashbord tu, nampak la kawan sy ni buat satu entry..pasal
ada juga sy pernah singgah blog encik nih.. jadi pergilah lawat blog dia semula..dan terbaca lah entry dia ni...
wah..semngat nya saya mau join..
apa2 pun..mari kita kupas soalan2 yang encik ni listkan..

encik empunya blog tu cakap mcmni...

3. dalam entry korang , korang pilih yang mane satu topik yang nak korang ulaskan .. kalau korang rajin ,, semua topik tu korang ulaskan .. lagi bagos 

hrm..mcmna encik blog tu tiba2 tanya soalan mcmni ek ?  mesti sebab tgah dok pikir sal makwe dia..ekeke...minta maaf encik belog...

ok ingin menjawab dua dari empat soalan ni..haha

kaya dari segi apa? miskin dari segi apa ?
kalau sy, saya mau lelaki yang kaya budi pekerti. kaya ilmu agama. taknak yg miskin adab dan miskin rohaninya. 
tapi kalau dr segi harta..ermm...kadang tu kaya ok juga. sebap bukan semua kaya tu jahat. ada yang humble dan baik. miskin? boleh guna lelaki sederhana tak ? hehe.. lelaki sederhana ni bukannya semua baik. tapi selalunya, yg sederhana ni selalu down to earth.
kalau fikir masa hadapan, memanglah yang kaya tu hidup lebih terjamin. tapi bukan bermakna yg miskin tu x boleh bangkit dari kemiskinan dia sekarang. siapa tahu, dia boleh maju dlm hidup. kena tgk dr pelbagai aspek juga lah. hhe 

ni lebih kepada pilihan masing2 la. tapi kalau saya, lelaki pintar itu lebih bagus. sebab ilmu itu kan pelita hidup. dengan ilmu macam2 lah kita boleh buat/boleh jadi. ilmu kan sangat penting. lebih2 lagi zaman sekarang. org yg berilmu ni kadang2 lebih rasional. sebap boleh berfikir atas alasan dan bukti yang nyata dan tidak bertindak melulu. ceewaah. tapi siapa kata yang kaya tu tak pintar. kan. camana dia boleh jadi kaya kalau bukan kerana bermain strategi dlm apa yang dia buat. lainlah kalau kekayaan tu adalah warisan keluarga. tak boleh juga nafikan sekarang ni, money can do many things. money=many. haha.. tapi, kalau saya, oleh kerana saya suka berdebat, saya nak seseorang yang boleh berdebat dengan saya juga. boleh cerita banyak2..huahua..perbincangan ilmu katakan.. ehh.. melalut sudah..
okeh la...

baiklah..itu saja yang boleh saya ulaskan. walaupun different people think differently. jangan lah marah kalau ada yang tersalah cakap pula..minta maaaaaffff..:)

skarang jam di Adelaide baru jam 3.09pm. harap tak terlambatlah post entry ni..tpi sy tau..jam malaysia masih awal..kan...hehe

baiklah..itu saja untuk entry ini...
p/s: encik penulis senja, jangan pula sengih memanjang baca entry2 sy dan kawan2 blogger yg lain..hahaha :D
peace no war!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

GiveAway Pe-Patung "akuhanyasatu": echaRierie

hello peeps...
nah.. sis tiara tagged saya for this contest..
eventhough i never join such contest, why not i give it a try..:)
yahh..and like what sis tiara said..sokong SABAHAN BLOGGER..hehe

this is the blog i was blogwalking at..:) nice one..

menarik juga...kan..:)
tiba2 rasa dapat ide untuk buat contest..boleh ke ???

anyway..before saya yang buat contest pula..meh la say tag beberapa kawan saya ni..hee~ in case you all interested..kan..

i know its more than three..tapi saja kasi lebih..hihihi

okay done! :D

articulating ideas..

i respect people who could articulate ideas in a way that other people could understand..
~.~' this is the effect after reading long2 essay and long2 written research paper.

if you look at all those academic books with hundreds of pages, or long academic writing with thousands of words, what would you think of ?
well, first thing in my mind is..this people is so genius to have such ideas that they are able to articulate them into pieces of academic writing.. for sure if i was given a chance to write, i could write thousands of words. but what will i say?? yes, craps. bunch of craps. maybe only 20% will make sense.
but how does all the writers could write pages of facts, history, opinion, and prediction??? wuhhooaa..that is lotsss of information..

feel like my brain was being brainwashed after reading all those ideas, orthodoxy, policy or whatever they are..
have you ever got this situation ?? brain almost got brain attack..too much information to digest..
reading, analysing and finally write it back..7 journals to go ~ ~ ~ ! yeah..

and i hate it when i got such a wonderful ideas but when i start to write them down, they disappear bit by bit..until no more,,they're gone..gone.. then i have to refresh my brain, read all those thing back and try to find what's the idea i got just now, or maybe try to think of a new ideas..-.-'

my God..hopefully i will not lose my mind... :D
okay..craps again...

but the point is..this people make my brain hurt! their bombastic ideas drive me crazy..and i got vocabs constraint..they want academic vocabs not a chunk of ideas with colloquial language!
dush..i should study hard during my AUSMAT..

As a conclusion for the day..
i need to get back to my readings..and just open my heart and mind and be ready physically and mentally for their next torture..
second, i can't escape what's the cost of 'studying'. education doesn't come cheap. we need to sacrifice a lot. but at the end of the day, you know that it is worthed, it is your responsibility, and it is your life. so stop whining. :)
third..i am just grateful. this is great. (ohh...i'm trying to be optimistic)

that's it. i'm just talking to myself. and my head writes them down..

Friday, May 20, 2011

my name..random :)

oh my..sempat lagi google nama sendiri..
i'm doing my assignment..suddenly thinking of googling my name..

i dare you, google your name, and post it in your blog..:)

Rosalind meaning and name origin

Rosalind \r(o)-sali-ndros(a)-lind\ as a girl's name is pronounced RAH-za-lind. It is of Old Germanorigin, and the meaning of Rosalind is "gentle horse". Also possibly a 16th-century poeticcreation by Spenser, which has the meaning "beautiful rose". Used as a given name since the mid-19th century. First Lady Rosalynn Carter; actress Rosalind Russell.
For more information, see also related names JocelynRoselaineRoza and Rose.
Baby names that sound like Rosalind are Rosalyne and Rozaline.
View a list of the 6 names that reference Rosalind.

Popularity of Rosalind

Rosalind is a very popular first name for women (#642 out of 4276) but an uncommon surname or last name for all people. (1990 U.S. Census)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tetap semangat !

repost frm revel: Semua orang pasti pernah GAGAL, yang Terpenting Bagaimana 'REAKSI' kita saat menghadapinya! 
Orang Bijak segera BANGKIT serta BELAJAR dari setiap Kegagalannya! 
Bermainlah CANTIK ditengah Kegagalan, Niscaya Kegagalan Pasti Berubah menjadi KEBERHASILAN! 

'Sebab tujuh kali orang benar jatuh, namun ia bangun kembali, tetapi orang fasik akan roboh dalam bencana' (Ams24:16) 

Tetap semangat dalam hidup ini.

seronok : saya dapat belajar memasak..

siapa ckp memasak susah ? dan siapa cakap memasak tu senang ? rasa memasak ni both.. :)
saya mau buat confession lah ni..sebenarnya..saya x mahir sangat memasak...haha
kalau mau ckp x pandai, tdklah juga..sbp sy rsa smua org pandai masak cuma tahap kemahiran berbeza2..

bgus juga ni..tinggal jauh2 dari family..dulu...memasak juga la kalau di rumah..tapi sejak foundation..setiap kali balik bercuti..uishh..susah mau jumpa muka saya di dapur..
kekerapan sy masuk dapur tu lebih tinggi after habis SPM compared tu masa foundation..everytime balik cuti..mmng jaranglah masak2 ni..bukan apa..sebap mama rajin sangat masak...hihihi...(terima kasih ma..)
tapi kalau ada buat makan2 di rumah, ada la juga tolong2 mama di dapur..kira macam co-chef juga la..haha

entah la..ada juga rasa mau masak2 ni..tapi rasa takut pula masak kalau untuk tetamu yang ramai..

tapi sejak disini...rsa mcm memasak tu adalah satu tanggungjawab di rumah..ya la..masak bukan untuk diri sendiri..tapi untuk anak orang tau.. jadi kena la bertanggungjawab. yang bestnya..dorang semua ni..'housmate' saya semua terer2 masak..ada yang pandai bake cake, masak msakan melayu, western..dan dorang sangat baik and understanding..siap ajar saya memasak...terima kasih kawan-kawan..
tapii...aduih...selalu juga kena tanya..
"allyn, masaklah masakan sabah"..
alamak...kawan2...saya tak tahu la apa masakan special di sabah.. huhu..miinta maaf..
selalunya di rumah masak masakan yang biasa2 ja..
tapi walaupun biasa2..SAYA RINDU MASAKAN KAMPUNG..

favourite saya ? baaaanyakk.. sabar ja la ni sampai hujung tahun..
nanti kalau saya balik..saya mau makan NASI LINOPOT dengan IKAN MASIN..
hmm...kalau saya buat nasi linopot disini amacam ? rasanya kawan2 saya ni makan ka? hehe...tapi xda daun tuk bungkus nasi tu la.. hhu..dan seafood sangat mahal susah mau cari...:( compared kalau di kampung..on the way balik rumah tu,ada ja lori2 ikan di tepi jalan...cakap ja mau ikan macamana..semua ada...:)

apa2 pun..saya tidakk sabar balik malaysia...balik sabah...balik rumah..dan memasak untuk keluarga..rasa macam mau masak semua jenis masakan yang kawan saya ajar..
ada ja yg kena cari sendiri and create resepi...kalau mau senang ja resepi2 di internet..confirm ada punya,,,,trimasss la untuk sifu tak langsung ni...:))

impian saya : balik m'sia nanti...hari2 nak masak untuk family...nak masak semua resepi yang sy belajar di sini..bukan makanan western..tu kena tunggu second year lah...
buat masa ni sy banyak belajar masak masakan melayu...dulu x pernah guna semua bahan2 @rempah2 ni..tapi disini, tahu lah sikit2..hahaha

AM I "makes a mountain out of a molehill" ?? minta maaf..ntah apa2 la saya ni excited sangat belajar memasak..hihi...
bukan apa...cuma.. baru2 ni kawan2 serumah selalu cakap pasal kahwin2...ahahaha...upss..jangan salah faham pula..bukan gatal nak kawin pun..cuma nak encourage kawan2 di luar sana.. kalau nak berboyfriend/girlfriend tu... dah pandai memasak ke ?? hehe...just soft reminder la..

kita kena belajar untuk bertanggungjawab dengan diri kita sendiri dan juga family sebelum kita mau bertanggungjawab atas org lain...hmm..betul kah sy rephrase ayat nih ?? :)

apa2 pun marilah kita belajar memasak..boleh kita masak2 untuk family kita...

p/s : saya rindu masuk dapur di rumah... :( sebap selalunya tiap hari saya masuk dapur ada ja kerja mau buat.. rasa rindu pula mau buat kerja2 di rumah sendiri.. and to make short..SAYA RINDU RUMAH sebenarnya...tapi jangan risau..saya masih boleh bertahan..:)

ok lah.itu saja entry kali ni...hari ini random thoughts...

p/s: hari ni resepi kawan saya,
- Ayam masak madu
- bergedel

sedapppppp...!!!! nak lagii...tapi kena kontrol..berat dah naik 2kg...OMG!! xpa2...skrg musim sejuk..kuat makan sikit..hehe..


Saturday, May 14, 2011

jom study..

final exam is around the corner..
jom study..:)

SE: ...2 in 1...

Hah ni update dr one of my blogger friend..hari tu dia buat kek..sedap..nanti kalau saya ada msa..mau buat juga lah kek..:) wlpun ntah bila..akan sy usahakan..
ni saja kalau ada yg mau kongsi resepi kwn sy ni..:)
and as my note juga la..spya next tyme x yah buka blog che sheera ni..just g tgok blog sndiri..hahaha..
anyway..the tast is so delicious tau..pandai che sheera ni baking2 cake..all the best to be a great baker!! sy tolong makan je la ye che sheera..trimasss..:))

sheera exzrell: ...2 in 1...: "Minggu nie amatlah busy. Asignment bertimbun2..tak tau nak wat yang mana satu..Tapi dlm sibuk-sibuk pun sempat sheera menyelinap diri ke dap..."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

two words are enough..

if one words not enough..then two words might be enough..
today the only word i said during my tutorial is..ok this is the situation..
my tutor talks aboutv Collier we discussing about the factor of civil war..the ideas put by Collier is mostly based in economic perspective..then He ask us to list them down..i have it in my mind coz i read the required reading..its just that i don't have the courage to do say it out loud..
then my tutor saw me he said..
"Yes, Rossa ?" And i was like..aww..he caught me..and i was like..owh..this is the moment..the moment i break my silence..
"ehrmm..." that for if i was about to blurt out the most crucial things out of my mouth..
"low income, slow growth." two words are enough by baebynylla

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that's it. thats what's so significant for me today..why ?i've told you just now. breaking silence. hha!
pathetic right ? but no..i treasure the moment. different people have different opinion on what they treasure right.. ? mine is simple yet..who knows its a good changes huh..:)
met one of my tutemate just now and that encourage me to get to know more people..its a pity we didn't get to know people around us when we actually got the chance to do it..
that's it for today..
till then,, :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

JL: Pilihan dalam hidup

post entry ni menarik..
kenapa? sy teringat nasihat seseorang yg sy panggil kaka iluth..
dia pernah ckap mcmni dengan saya..:) tentang power of choice..
to be reminded is good..apalagi accidentally terjumpa post senior sy ni..
credits to him..:)
Jack Ladzim: Pilihan dalam hidup: "First of all, tahniah kepada Mr Will dan MRs Kate yang baru kahwin . walaupun Puan Kate bakal menjadi permaisuri Britain, dia tetap memilih ..."


nahh banyak sy punya assignment..
> Development study
        : Journal 8
        : Essay 1
>Introduction Mathematics for Economist
> Dictation Chinese & Oral Exam.. me'list pula nih..ok la..mau buat satu persatu dulu..

kaki luka main futsal..

ni bah yang luka sbp main futsal tu..lama juga mau sembuh..mula2 mcm bruise ja kan..klau kmu nampak after few days..hee..mmng mkin teruk..ntah kenapa..
tapi lepas sy sllu letak ubat..sekarang dah sembuh..:)
tinggal parut nsib baik di x ketara sangat..
tapi sakit dia..Tuhan ja la yang tau..sbp bhgia lutut kan klau kita berdiri or berjalan kan kulit kita shrink..klau duduk extend..nah...apa lagi..stretch la luka sy tu..pernah bdarah lagi..:(
but so far ok boleh suda sy kembali main sukan yg lasak2..:))

Friday, May 6, 2011

The link between man and God is Faith. That is all that keeps things alive and moving!

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the problem Science has with God. He asked one of his new Christian students to stand.

Professor: You are a Christian, aren’t you, son? 
Student: Yes, sir. 
Professor: So, you believe in God? 
Student: Absolutely, sir. 
Professor: Is God good? 
Student: Sure. 
Professor: My brother died of cancer, even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn’t. How is God good, then? Hmm? 
(Student was silent) 
Professor: You can’t answer, can you? Let’s start again, young fella. Is God good? 
Student: Yes. 
Professor: Is Satan good? 
Student: No. 
Professor: Where does Satan come from? 
Student: From.. God. 
Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world? 
Student: Yes. 
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it? And God did make everything. Correct? 
Student: Yes. 
Professor: So who created evil? 
(Student didn’t answer) 
Professor: Is there sickness? Immortality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they? 
Student: Yes, sir. 
Professor: So, who created them? 
(Student had no answer) 
Professor: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son.. have you ever seen God? 
Student: No, sir. 
Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your God. 
Student: No, sir. 
Professor: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God, for that matter? 
Student: No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t. 
Professor: Yet you still believe in Him? 
Student: Yes. 
Professor: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, Science says your God doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son? 
Student: Nothing. I only have my Faith. 
Professor: Yes, Faith. And that is the problem Science has. 
Student: Professor, is there such a thing as Heat? 
Professor: Yes. 
Student: And is there such a thing as Cold? 
Professor: Yes. 
Student: No, sir, there isn’t. 
(The Lecture Theatre became very quiet with this turn of events) 
Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 Degrees below Zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of Heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it. 
(There was a pin-drop silence in the Lecture Theatre) 
Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness? 
Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness? 
Student: You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have Low Light, Normal Light, Bright Light, Flashing Light… But if you have No Light constantly, you have nothing and it’s called Darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, You would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you? 
Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man? 
Student: Sir, my point is, your Philosophical Premise is flawed. 
Professor: Flawed? Can you explain how? 
Student: Sir, you are working on the Premise of Duality. You argue there is Life and then there is Death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey? 
Professor: If you are referring to the Natural Evolutionary Process, yes of course, I do. 
Student: Have you ever observed Evolution with your own eyes, sir? 
(The professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going) 
Student: Since no one has ever observed the Process of Evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a Scientist but a Preacher? 
(The class was in uproar) 
Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain? 
(The class broke out into laughter) 
Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? .. No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable and Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures? 
(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable) 
Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on Faith, son. 
Student: That is it, sir.. exactly! The link between man and God is Faith. That is all that keeps things alive and moving!

Precious in my Heart

Sempena Hari Ibu Ahad ni, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu tuk semua ibu-ibu di dunia, bakal ibu, isteri dan juga grandma2..:)
walaupun ucapan saya ini confirm tidak sampai ke seluruh least kepada sesiapa yang terserempak post ni, wishla Happy Mother's Day to your mom.

okay, kali ni nak ckp psal Mother la..
dlm dunia ni,ada macam2 panggilan tuk mama kan..ada panggil mum,mummy,ibu,ummi,ama,idi,etc..etc..
saya panggil mama saya MAMA. sy rasa panggilan tu comel..:)
time time ni juga lah..saya rindu sangat2 mama sy..
bagi sy..mama is the strongest person i've known in my whole life.

kalau sy tgk2 mama kan,satu hal yg sy respect mama sy..dia seorang yang sangat BERSEDERHANA dalam semua hal..kami semua adik beradik rsanya dididik supaya bersederhana dalam semua perkara.

Monday, May 2, 2011

i know the day i was saved..

long before i was baptised..
i knew i was saved..
i knew someone had payed for my sin..
the person died on the cross..
for me..

who am i
that He willing to crucified himself on the cross..
who am i to deserve such great compassion of love.. ?
who am i on His eyes..
who am i as a person..

i came to know that He had known me long before..
even before i was in my mum' womb..
He had planned for me all along..
and His plan for me is wonderful..
God i always love you..

even it seems hard to keep up with this life,
even if i was scared of being grown up,
even if i felt disappointed many times,
even if i cry and felt hopeless..
God you always be my God.

even if i did turn my back and tried to rely on my self..
God you never let go off my hands..
God you never give up on me..
that is why i'll never give up on you..
even world tried to drag me away,
i'll hold on God..
for i knew You'll be there..

God Your love is greater than everything,
i shall not afraid.
if You've created me, then somehow i got purpose in this life.
Your holy words will be my food that will always sustained me, in times of difficulties or at ease,
God Your words strengthen me..

God You never been away,
You always here in me..
For whom shall i run ? For whom i can go to
and pour out my grieve..
You Lord is my shepherd,
a Friend,
a Father
and my Love..