Saturday, September 22, 2012

putus sintaa...vs true love.. haha

ello2..hri ni sy nda tau la napa. banyaak betul sy nmpak post2 putus sintaa. adeii..kamu ni..bikin sy sedih sedja owh bca kamurang punya post! >.<
kamu ingat kamu seja yg perna putus sinta ka. sy pun bah!
hha~eii..bukan mau marah bo giaa... saja ba tu...

actually kan. sy ada asaimen ba ni mo bt. tp memandangkan kamu post yg pun mau juga la kenen post sy punya cerita yg sedih2.. wlaupun mungkin teda org mo saja sy saja kasi cerita2 la kan.. :)

4years ago..ada satu encom boy mengurat2 sy ba kenen. dgan sweetnya sy kena kuntik, sy pun apalagi,,nakagayat di ginawo. adei. hha~ mula2 sy jual mahal. sbp sy ada big exam kan. SPM ba. apa tidak. mesti mau fokus kan. hha~ tapii,at the end of the terima juga di proposal tu encom boy. jadi sy pun officially jadila sumandak dia, and dia jdi tanak wagu sy.. mula2 susah mau percaya sy ada tanak wagu. sebap before tu mana pernah ada kan... tapi tipula kalau masa skola rendah sy bilang sy teda..ada..cuma time tu sy tau juga yg cinta monyet seja tuu.. jdi, bila suda lepasan..mcm pandai suda berfikir kan..jadi kira yg ada serius sikit la suda kami kenen tu. tapiiiiiiiiii...semuanya tidak lah seindah seperti yg di fikir2kan. banyak juga cabaran kami tuh. abis sy sambung study jauh2 gia kan. percaya ka kalau sy ckp, kalau sy kira2..satu kali seja kami dating yg kami2 seja.. hha~ kalau yg setakat makan sama2 tu ada la dua tiga kali. tp yg paling special, seingat sy..masa sy mau jalan suda sambung study. masa sy buat foundation. awal2 tu..okeh2 juga. tapi lama2...mcm turun naik turun naik suda. kalau sy kira2...banyak kali o kami break. ada rasa we could work it out. dengan yakin dan penuh iman. tapi, ada masa bila respon yg sy dpt tidak positif, mula rasa yg saya seja berabis ni mo mempertahankan tu relationship. kenen. aiseh. tapi at the end of the day..lepas 3 tahun... kami break juga diii... tidak kesampaian juga di tu relationship kami.

actually, sy malas juga ba mau cerita ni balik2. bak kata tu encom boy dulu.. 'balik2 mo break. bangas suda tuh.' hha~ bila sy pikir2 balik, lucu pula tu statement dia. BANGAS. hha~ bangas tu..maksud dia basi. ya, memang bangas suda ni cerita. sy pun malas mau ungkit. sebap teda apa2 juga sy dapat.
mula2 tu sy sedih. dan tipula kalau sy bilang sy suda fully get over it. but i'm recovering la. teda sudah sy sedih2. kalau dulu, sy nangis2 juga ni fikir. tp skarang..tidak sudah. sy dapat suda dih berfikir dengan sewajarnya. lagipun, at the end of the day..semua org semakin dewasa. and sy selalu fikir, kalau sudah umur2 macamni, bukan lagi macam budak2 cara fikir. kalau dulu2..boleh jadi mama org suda. mama sy dulu pun, dalam usia mcm sy..urus keluarga suda. so, x perlulah sy terus sedih2, jiwa kacau, stay di posisi kehidupan lama saya. lebih baik saya move forward. :)

semua org deserve second chance to make things better. bila sy muhasabah diri balik..actually there is nothing untuk disesalkan. walaupun dulu sy cakap sy kecewa dgn apa yg terjadi..akhirnya sy terima hakikat yang semua org tidak sempurna. so, kita tidak boleh expect relationship kita tu sempurna. jadi, walaupun sy rasa banyak kelemahan si encom boy, akui juga..yg saya pun baanyak kelemahan. which brings me to think about all the things that i've done. bila sy analyse diri.. ohhh..alamak. rupa2nya saya pun dua kali lima. banyak hal yg perlu sy perbaiki. sini la baru sy sedar. sy pun tidak sempurna. dan akhirnya, sy sedar yang banyak yg perlu sy perbaiki tentang diri sy. so cuba untuk prepare diri sy supaya, siapa pun pasangan hidup sy nanti.. saya dapat jadi penolong yg baik untuk dia. walaupun sy ni serba kekurangan. dengan iman, sy akan setia tunggu bakal husband saya dari Tuhan. sy pray supaya, siapapun dia yg bakal jadi husband saya tu.. terlebih dulu..biarlah Tuhan yg campur tangan. simple as that. sebap sy tau, Tuhan selalu menyediakan yg terbaik untuk anak-anaknya. tidak perlu pergi jauh, hidup sy ni sudah cukup membuktikan kasih Tuhan. Thank You Lord! :) 

so kepada yang bersedih di luar sana, i know it was a painful experience. but believe me..things will always get better. bila kau mula melepaskan sesuatu yg sangat berharga bagi diri kau ke dalam tangan Tuhan, Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan kau terkapai2. Tuhan akan bagi yg lebih baik, yg terbaik, dan most importantly..He know what you need. Sebap kita mesti ingat..memang ada banyak hal yg kita mau dalam hidup ni. tapi tidak semua kita perlu. dan tidak semua penting. :) 

so cheer up! wlaupun it takes time for you.. belajarlah untuk lebih terbuka. buka tu fikiran luas2, tu mata luas2.. jangan keep layan tu perasaan seja..and do nothing. bila kau lebih terbuka, banyak tu ko nampak. banyak insight. at the end of the'll get to a point yang...'adeii..lucu pula bila fikir balik'. then you know what i mean. even apa yg saya tulis ni pun nothing suda untuk kau. sebap ko pun ada suda pandangan and pendapat sendiri tentang apa yg terjadi dalam hidup ko. it's part of growing up! :)
nanti ko tua suda kan..teda juga ko ingat pasal yg ko kecewa tem muda2 tu. apalagi kalau ko suda tekawin tulang rusuk ko. :)

just like my big sister and her husband! i saw a lot in my sister's life. but at the end, God's plan is always beautiful. :)
introducing: My brother in law : Francis Sungkin and my eldest sister : Florena J. Kantis
on their memorable day
7th July 2012 (07.07.12)
SIB Pekan Ranau Church

their memorable day gives a huge impact on me. I'm very close to my sister. I don't know why..but during the exchange feels so special because I've been with them since they were still couples, till the day they become one. :) wonderful memories.. May God bless both of them as they no longer two but one. 

until then..  :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Malaysian Carnival 2012

yes!! Malaysian Carnival 2012 in Adelaide. It was just amazing. The stage was beautiful, the emcee are sporting, including the invited guest, Sam, blue eyes Caucasian. He played his role enthusiastically. And the crowd were big and very supportive! The performances were the highlight, plus..we got Ezani (First Malaysia's Masterchef) doing the cooking demonstration! The foods are amazing, hmm..remind me of hometown.

eventhough, i was not directly involved in the Malaysian Carnival event this year, helping to choreograph one of Sabahan native dance was an honor for me. This year i didn't join in performing because my friends and I was doing venture to open a stall called Traditional Corner. Well, there's some issues with the spelling..but who cares when everything sold our. right? :)

basically, the menus are simple. We sold Murtabak, Roti jala, Popiah basah, kek batik and Ondeh2. Thank God, everything went smoothly. And the experience selling to Aussie people was just amazing. At first, I doubt that I could handle hundreds of customers..but hey.. I did it!! I know it was just a small thing. But it feels like a big accomplishment to me although I have a very awkward moment, and its funny too.

Old man: I am hungry..
He came directly to our stall. And he was half mumbling. so i end up hearing other things.
Me: Oh, Henry? Oh hello Henry.
Sol(my friend): Allyn, dia cakap dia lapar la. Hungry. Bukan Henry.
me: OMG! really.. alamak!!! Malunyaaa.....

then u know the rest. I feel like i want to hide myself. but in such circumstances, where could i go?? dang~

hha~ but at the end, we all did laugh about it. it makes our day less stressful and more memorable.

back to the Malaysian Carnival..apart from choreographing, i did the costume too. I like Dusun Ranau's costume. I really hope the costume that I made somehow resemble the one that Dusun Ranau people wear. I am not a professional tailor, but I tried to do my best.

in the making..

with the dancers..
i didn't manage to make the skirt the way i wanted to. but i hope this will do. :)

although the dancers are not professional, they did it very well. besides, they're first timers, and i think i should give credits to them. having only few times practices, i know it was not perfect but I am so happy they volunteered to join my group! bravo! :)

the day was eventful. i wish i could enjoy the moments longer. i know we'll have it next year for sure. but the senior this year was just awesome. and it is sad to know that this year would be their final year. and they will go back for good after graduating at the end of this year. huu~

anyway.. this is some of the clip. i hope u enjoy watching!!

Spring Holiday

yay! its been for a while i haven't write anything.
teda idea bah.. lagipun..mcm nda tau apa mau tulis kan.
but this two weeks of holiday is just so refreshing!! :)

but still, my assignment r waiting to be done. okay2. maybe i've wasted five days. OMG, its five days dy?? okay i should've start doing them now. hahaha~

anyway..i just love spring. banyak bunga..
i've started doing some backyard gardening too.. kalau ada masa nanti sy share picture..
bah coming soon. itupun kalau sempat pi visit Botanical Garden. banyak bunga wooo..last year punya picture pun belum upload lagi.

until next time! :)