Monday, October 29, 2012

my birthday!

29 October 2012

special date for me. i thought everyone like it when their birthday anniversary comes? coz, i do! :) this year although just like years before, i haven't got the chance to celebrate my special day with my family. that is why, i really appreciate the memories of celebrating my birthday with my family and close friends. maybe, those are the good time for me to remember in time like this. i really appreciate all the wishes. thank you so much everyone!!

i am officially 21 years old now. i am an adult now. wow..i can't believe it!! i am getting older!! huhuuu~ older in a good way i guess.. :) i could vote now. officially. but i am not ready yet. probably when i go back to Msia, only then i'll register to vote.

although i didn't celebrate my birthday today, i will..sometime soon when i am not that busy *so busy lah sngt sempat update blog* hha!
but yeah. probably this weekend? hopefully.

today, the person that i would like to give thanks are my parents.. mum n dad. i couldn't thank them much because they've done so much more for me. i wish them happiness and good health.. 
i thank my mum who sent me such a sweet prayer message..bring me to tears!

this is the kind of prayer that always makes me feel so blessed to have a wonderful parents. i thank God for i have them, although we are miles apart..i know they always pray for me. i miss how my mum and dad say their prayer for us everytime we celebrate our birthday. God knows how much i love them.
and above all, i thank God for the life he gave me, for the forgiveness and grace, blessing and love He faithfully showered me with. i thank God for always be there for me although i sometime forgot to turn to Him..i thank God for bringing me here, and continue to watch me and guiding me through all the obstacles i faced. thanks Lord for the 21years of my life. my heart is full of thankfulness tonight.
this week, i still have one more assignment to be done by wednesday. i hope i could finish them by that day. i have two more subject to revise. in God i surrender everything! :)
today is a happy day.. so i am going to end my entry with a verse..
Psalm 139:14-16
New International Version (NIV)
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
 your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you

 when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
 before one of them came to be
Happy Birthday to me! :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

sentimental day for me..

i've been away for a while. quite busy during this time of the year. a lot of assignment to be done plus revison for my final exam. this is my second year at uni. being a student is a wonderful experience. and it feels even different when u study overseas.  yet, that is not something to be proud of, but thankfulness and gratefulness. today, i feel a little bit sentimental. i don't know why. perhaps because i miss my homeland maybe? 
the land below the wind. what a wonderful name. i love my country. i love my hometown. it is where i grow up. and it is where i live most of my life and i am not ashamed of admitting that i am just a simple kampung@village girl, dusun from ranau.

maybe i miss the view of mount kinabalu that stood proudly infront of my house. oh what a view!
when i was in primary school, the first thing that i really love to see every morning is the great mount. kinabalu. i thought it was my love at first sight then.
it always become my inspiration. stood proudly everyday, on sunny day, nor rainy day. even when thunderstorm strike!

oh how i wish i was that strong and rigid. always stay the same even if it is a bad day.

the foods..oh..just how yummy they are. i really missed those kind of veggies that is hard to find in other parts of the country. only in my hometown! and i miss the style of cooking that needs nothing other than some oil, water and onion. food, simple like that..i thought is all i need back then. i know i am a food lover and i appreciate the most yummy food ever. but the kind of food that has been nurturing you as you grow just couldn't forget about it.

perhaps i miss doing some gardening and attending the field, planting paddy and veggies, burning dried grass, mending the fence and watering plants..i used to do it everyday when i was small. i admit that i do complain all the time. but not because of the difficulties of the task. but because of the heat and mosquito bite that irritates me the most. i wondered how my mum could even stand all those irritation. she is a hero!

two things that i hope i am able to do one day are..1.cutting the grass using the grass-cutter : because usually it was used/operate only by men-namely my dad and brother. but i thought it wont be that hard for girl, don't you think? 2.opening/clearing land for next planting. i wonder how my mum could even do that by herself. after years of watching and helping her with some weeding here and there, planting and watering, only today the thought come back like years before when i watched her silently doing all the chores in the field. how i miss the sight! and even the smelt of the dried grass burning.

maybe i was just so sad because i read some of the anthropological journal regarding malaysian studies and anthropology in borneon island-namely east malaysia. apparently there has been a strong ties between other anthropologist from different parts of the world who went to borneon island to study various things. so there must be a lot of ethnographic journal about their fieldwork. but why i never came across with it? i don't know. i just feel that it was a shame not able to read those in my whole life. i wish i could read about it someday. and if what i studied now could help me to get into those kind of reading, i am willing to dedicate my efforts into it. although i don't really know much what i am going to be when i finish my study, but i hope, what i've learned here, i could use it and contribute something for my country, and most importantly my state, my hometown.

i know i've been blabbering for a while. apologies. i guess i'm a bit sentimental today. by the way, i miss going to church at sibpr. i miss the vibrant colours of the atmosphere and the people there, and the warmth feeling of being home, a place where you belong and surrounded by most of your loved ones.

p/s: all flowers are taken around Mile End neighborhood. ignore my mcc picture. hha!