Saturday, January 29, 2011


i guess i am going to miss my hometown..especially Ranau, Sabah
this past few days@week is very tough for me..
i have to rush here and there...sometime i forgot to eat my lunch..and sometime even forgot to rest for a while..can you imagine that?
i've been worrying this past few days..thinking whether i could or could not do this all..
everything seems to be impossible to do..every night i'd cry in my Pray asking God to walk with me in everything i every step i take, asking God so that i will not worry about tomorrow, or what will happen later, what if and how if...
all those question keep circling in my head..make me feel dizzy and uncomfortable all day long..

i've been struggling..
seriously...i am..

i don't know why..seems to be easy for others..but maybe i am just over reacting..
other people releks ja pun..huu~

tomorrow is sunday...
I'm happy to meet the King of all King..
want to pour out my heart to HIM..

Need some wise wisdom and advise here..:(
nite all...

1 comment:

mAy said...

chayo2 alyn..hehe... even if u r busy, don't forget to take care of ur health, thats the important thg aso. . be strong always dear ! no worries, i will pray for u always sis ^^