heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving to God, after 39weeks and 4days, the
delivery has been smooth. Coming to the end of my pregnancy, I was a bit
anxious and nervous about giving birth. Mostly
because I could not imagine the contraction pain or the whole process at the
delivery room. I am thankful to have my sister Yann as my advisor, and my dear
sister Onel who shared her experience. We were just 1 months apart.
Monday, 8th of July, as usual we went back to Kota Kinabalu for my
clinic check-up. My due date was supposed to be on the 12 July but I didn’t
feel any contraction pain yet. The journey from Ranau to KK was somehow a bit
painful as I started to feel back pain. After going to clinic at 2pm, I drove
to Hospital Likas to visit my niece who are hospitalised due to infection. Then
around 5pm, I started to feel back pain. The pain come and go. When I asked my
sister and after describing the pain to her, she said the contraction pain had
started. It was bearable as it only come and go around 15mins interval.
at night, it started to have a shorter gap. Around 7 – 5mins gap. I began to
worry as my husband is at Ranau. He will only go down to KK tomorrow morning. I
prayed to God to at least wait for my husband to be with me before I go to the
hospital. The whole night, the contraction pain is getting worst. I could not
sleep well. Here’s the chronology of my contraction pain until my delivery.
– contraction pain started - 15mins gap.
– contraction pain – 7mins gap.
Next day..
– contraction pain – 5mins gap.
– contraction pain – 3mins gap.
got a message from hubby that he is driving back to KK soon. So I decided to
take shower, wear my most comfortable clothes, and wear the overnight pad. I was
preparing to go to hospital. I was waiting for the sign – either water breaks
or bloody vaginal discharge.
signs that I noticed during my contraction:
Lower back pain and cramping – this come and goes
Diarrhea and a little nausea
Strong and regular contraction – this finally leads to bloody discharge.
– Hubby arrived around this time and my contraction was getting stronger.
– I went to the toilet to pee and when I check my pad, there’s a bloody vaginal
+ mucus. I calmly tell mom and hubby that it is time to go to the hospital.
the way, I was a bit nervous as the contraction is getting shorter and I
started to control my breathing. Hubby was a bit concerned to but I told him to
just drive calmly.
– Arrived at the Hospital Likas, went up to Level 2. Went in to the Assessment Room,
inform the nurse at the counter that I have bloody discharge, that my contraction
started at 5pm yesterday.
– change my clothes to the pink robe. Doctors and nurses started to do the
checkup. I was 5cm! And will be sent to the delivery room as soon as the room
is available. Went for a scan to check on baby’s position. All good and I am
waiting to be transferred to the labour room.
– Transferred to the labour room. Hubby is waiting outside and joining me later
after all the paperwork. Doctor said they will check again at 4pm to see the
opening. My contraction come and go.
– Checked for my opening but still 5cm. They said that they will assist to
break my water so that the opening will be faster. It was done but the contraction
is getting worst. Doc gave me option for the pain relief. Initially I chose Nitrous
oxide, but it doesn’t stop the pain entirely. Then I asked for Pethidine which
was injected directly to my buttock. I felt sleepy right after. And I slept for
about 1 hour before I finally woke up feeling like I was going to poop.
- It happens so fast. The midwife asked me to put my legs up and I start to
push. The other nurse and doctors are cheering for me. I look at hubby and he looked
confused, not knowing what to do. I smiled at him and ask him to hold my back
and wipe my tears. Then finally at
8.10pm - I heard my baby boy 1st cry! What a wonderful feeling! 😊
I think back, throughout the process, I was quite calm. Because I have set my
mind that I want to fully enjoy the moment and to be able to remember so that I
can write. Well, of course the pain was beyond what I could describe but for
me, it is bearable. So to mom-to-be out there, don’t worry. It is indeed very
painful, but it is bearable.
to the episiotomy - a surgical cut made in the perineum (the area between the
vagina and the anus — usually to widen the vagina to hasten birth), I got
stitches and it is as painful as what people said. But I went through it with
lots of controlled breathing and holding the rail on my bed. After that, I got
to hold my little baby for skin to skin contact for about 30mins before the
midwife took my baby for a bath. When the midwife return, I finally got to see
my baby with his cute clothes. He smells sooo nice. 😊
11pm - I was transferred to the ward. The next morning, I was discharged
but baby had to stay in the hospital due to his bilirubin level is too high
(jaundice). We were there for another 5 nights which is the most heart-breaking
moment for me. Yet, during this time, I got to rest well, and finally accepting
that I am becoming a mother.
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