Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I wish I had fishes as my it normal?
Usually people want puppies or kittens or hamster as their pet..coz they are more adorable and we could touch them..
With fish we couldn’t touch or even had a contact with them..
But I think fish is adorable toO..i wanna keep them as a the future la..of coz.. now don’t have time to take care of them..even my two cats in my house pun sometime I forgot to bagi makan..sebab dorang selalu p rumah jiran..
My mum will always ask me back this question.. because I personify them with panggilan dorang…hehe.. I call them dorang coz I feel more close to them as if the cats are part of the family..
Mum will be so proud if my cat dapat tangkap tikus…hehehe…so cute pula bila tengok my cat bawa tikus tu dkt bila my cat suda gigit2 tu tikuss..eiiii…sy pun nda mo tengok lagii….geli pun ada..with the mouse la..haha!
Today lots of things happen..tapi petang tdi sy sempat cleep for 1 hour..hujan renyai2 syok to sleep..huhu.. tp mama kc bgun..dia bwa p makan mee sup. Tiba2 datang mood dia mo mkn mee sup..hehe
Today got acceptance letter from idp. Tgh process la ni. Baru ja hntar email tdi..hopefully idp approve.
Ok la…nnti smbung lagi yaaa….

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