Saturday, January 22, 2011

Letting go?? : I'll never walk alone..

This is exactly what i feel right now..but i don't know which word to express..till i saw one of my blogger friend updated their entry with this question..

of course i am one of the people who always feel about letting go..especially letting go of my was so hard to keep holding on our dream,my dream. Sometime i feel so tired of everything until there is a moment when i just want to sit down and let everything bygone be bygone. I don't want to fix anything because I know, the more I want to fix them, the more I will be hurting inside out. So better just leave it untouched.

Let go..
Let go..
sometime there are voices coming through my head,asking me to let go..the bad moment i my relationship..sometime i did..but sometime the memories wont go..the past teach me many new things.. but sometime they make me feel unsecured and uncertain about many things. the more i want to reassure my self, to believe that everything gonna be okay, the more i'm afraid to keep this relationship..

I surrendered to GOD. Whatever happen in the future, i'll leave it in God's hand. i believe that when we have nowhere to go, and feel helpless in this life, call upon our Lord, and He who faithful will answer.

To be honest, nothing is easy in this life..
But if i walk with Jesus, I am sure I'll never walk alone...


mAy said...

allyn...we are the same... there are things that i wish i didn't do and there are paths that i wish i didnt walk on it...but its to late to turn back now... and i am really scared if one day i find that i have taken the wrong path..huhu.. i am scared to lose things, scared to lose the people i love..but i have no choice but to deal with it... huhu...

okay, enuf with the sad parts..hehe... i have lots of stories to share alyn, i wish you are here.. hehe...btw, nice blog's design alyn, i love the piano !! hehe

Allyn Rossa said...

hi may...yeah..same here..i do feel scared..
and u r rite about we don't have much choice but to deal with it..:)

me too have tons of stories to share with u..^^
btw,thanks..i want it simple so,its ok for now..i do like my blog..hhe..