Some people asked me if I had best-friends or not. And to be honest, I don't know how you classify your friends as best-friend or just friend. Everyone had their definition of friend or best-friend. Some people says that those who you meet often, and share almost everything in your life is your best-friend. Some people says, they are like stars. You don't see them often, but they are there. Some people says, its not so much about what you do together, and share with each other, but how you care for them.
For me, going through those definition is just hard. I remember this reading I have about culture. In the context of culture for example, the author, Llosa said that, 'these collective denominator will never fully define them-only disdainfully remove/neglect the uniqueness attributes that differentiate one member of the group with the other'. I just realised that dealing with definition of friendship, for example, if not employed properly can be reductionist. So, instead of classifying them as best-friend or not, I consider everyone as my friend, though I met them in a different timeline of my life, they are the BEST person I've ever met. Because I don't believe in coincidence. But I believe in God who puts people in my life. Each were made to be there. At that time. At that place.
As I mentioned before, I met many new people, at different place at different time. But this entry, will be EXCLUSIVELY for the ten person who had become the windows of my observing eye, always inspires me. They have become my sisters. My friends. Who had taught me a lot about life. About people. That there is always goodness in each and everyone of us. Nobody is perfect. We are made to be different. And we are to embrace it. I learn to appreciate people through the experience being with them. I remember they give me a truthful comment about myself. It was hard. But I am glad they point out those things to me. They teach me humility. And they aspire me to dream, and to achieve them. Through hardwork and perseverance. They colour my life with all sorts of emotion I could think of. And all sorts of precious memories. Well, the list goes on and on.
But why did they seems to be so important? Seems like having huge impact in mylife? Why is that?
I think because we met in a place where we don't have anyone but each other. Well, if you've ever had experience living and studying in a boarding school, you will know what I meant by that. Also, we met at a time where we are learning about ourselves, others and the reality of this world. We were growing up together. We think, we feel, we analyse together. We agree, we disagree, other maintain, other reject, we push one another to be a better person. And there are lots of other reasons. And that what makes them special. =)
So here they are. The 10 EXCLUSIVE Person in mylife.
May-the teacher (the systematic)
Onel-the teacher (the youngest, the singer, manja hehe)
Sophie-the lawyer
Ray-the teacher
Jen-the biotech
Chiba-the biologist
nancy- the analytical & environmental chemist
Iga-the horticulture and landscape
Ratty-environmental eng.
eL- the medical lab. technologist
Voila!! Pretty and strong ladies. Beautiful in their own. Beautiful inside out. =) May God continue to sustain and grow them in His love.
p/s: kalau ada yg mau berkenalan silakan. But not everyone is available. Ada saturang yg mau upgrade status suda bulan lima ni. Keep praying for her! =D
I miss them very much. Haven't seen them for many years. Some are since we finish our high school. Some are two years ago. Glad that we still keep in touch. FB, skyping and whatsapping! Sometime they can be so humorous, laughing out loud, you don't feel like you're that far away from one another.
Geng karas. That's what they nicknamed us in highschool. haha!
I am sure, that we will meet again one day.
Until then.
1 comment:
Missing you too allyn! :( sure, mesti bt reunion paling samangat nnt! so much more things to do, to catch up together! ;)
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