Saturday, June 15, 2019


This post is long overdue. It is already half of 2019 and I am already in the word of wisdom for my 2019.

2014 - Learn
2015 - Decision
2016 - Action
2017 - Bold
2018 - Excellent

Last year was my excellent year and it close well with the Shining Star award during the Annual Dinner @ my office. I am just so thankful for all the opportunity I got and the unending support I received from my colleague.

This year will be a lot of changes, and so far I am happy that it is in line with what I am currently doing and also what I face at my workplace.

My word of wisdom for 2019 is CHANGE. I got this word at the end of 2018 and I am reminded with the sharing I got from my colleague Tracy and Mercella.

Sometime, all I need is some CHANGES to happen in life. And this three things shared by Mercella really struck me.

To have a change in life:
1. Read the word of God
2. Be disciplined
3. Change the habit

The word of God have changed so many life. And I am most humbled by how God did the same to me when His word become my daily bread.
It is easy to be sidetracked but with discipline, I am more conscious now on how I spend my time to do my work, for my family, ministry and myself.
And it slowly change my habit of procrastinating that always hamper my productivity. And the lesson I learned about changing my habit is, I am more conscious on what I am doing, what I am thinking and how am I feeling. I am more mindful and more positive & calm.

These are the things that keeps me going for the half of the 12 months so far.

On a side note, currently I am 36 weeks & 2 days pregnant with our first one (YEAY!) and I am thankful to God for this wonderful gift. My husband and I were hoping that baby is ready to meet the world on the 1st July 2019 (Our 2nd anniversary :D) hehe,, (EDD is 12 July) but of course la.. dari baby ja.. the most important thing is baby sihat.

Please pray for us! Sometime I do feel nervous, with mixed feeling. I can only surrender to God, praying so that all will be well. :)

Well, that's all for a quick update..

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