I was sharing this article with my girlfriends in facebook. Really hits home. I should take time to stop, pray and act. Instead of doing it backward; act, stop and pray.
How To Stop Worrying About Your Problems
My add note: Sy baru ja habis exam. Tp sy susa hati sebap sy rsa mcm high probability failed. Unexpected exam questions. Sy x dpt tidur teingat2 mcmna blank nya sy time dlm exam hall. Sy mau betul grad and pass my exam. Teingat2 pesanan org tua yg mau sy berjaya. Sy low mood terus ni. Habis exam suda tp mo hepi2 pun rsa x senang. BUT tonight I came across with this article-someone share it. Really hit home. Especially for me. As human I admit that I worry+scared about things in my life. But at the same time was struggling to put my trust completely in God. Tonight I was reminded that I focus too much in the result. I forgot about the process that I should go through in life. A process that I often welcome and acknowledge-but easily forgotten. Indeed, God knows the best. And He is in control of everything.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I praise God for sustaining me throughout my exam period. It was really-really hard to sleep because i can't help my self from thinking about my exams.
I feel sad. Firstly because I can feel that there is a high probability in failing my exams. UNEXPECTED exam questions! And I am terribly in a low mood now. Before, I was looking forward to start packing all my things to ship back to Sabah. But now, I'm not sure anymore. I feel like I don't want to pack. I want to get the result asap. So I can plan what to do next if worst case scenario happen. Either I have to extend a semester or to take summer school to finish my degree. Or maybe taking supplementary exams. But I'm really hoping now that I actually passed my exam! Oh God!
In the midst of all this things, I was reminded that I can put my trust to God whatever happen in the future. I acknowledge my worry, I don't want to deny that I am really worried and scared. But I have hope. And this hope helps me to keep going. I struggle with my worry + scared vs. faith. But now, I took comfort in the promises that God has stored for me in PSALM 139.
Therefore, tonight, I want to praise God for everything. I know He is in control. And I pray that whatever result I got, I will still put my full hope + trust in Him. And I'd still be alright with whatever result I got.
So maybe, despite being unsure of packing or not, I think I should start arranging my stuff, cleaning and do some productive activity. I'm going to do some sewing project. And things that I love. Because for now, I am free :)
I still have friends who are going to have their exam starting this Saturday. I pray that God will give me wisdom on how to care and be loving towards them. Hmm, I'm going to motivate them and be helpful for them in time like this.
So for now, I wish those who still have exams all the best! And for my friends who had fly back to Malaysia, safe journey and enjoy your holiday! =)
I feel sad. Firstly because I can feel that there is a high probability in failing my exams. UNEXPECTED exam questions! And I am terribly in a low mood now. Before, I was looking forward to start packing all my things to ship back to Sabah. But now, I'm not sure anymore. I feel like I don't want to pack. I want to get the result asap. So I can plan what to do next if worst case scenario happen. Either I have to extend a semester or to take summer school to finish my degree. Or maybe taking supplementary exams. But I'm really hoping now that I actually passed my exam! Oh God!
In the midst of all this things, I was reminded that I can put my trust to God whatever happen in the future. I acknowledge my worry, I don't want to deny that I am really worried and scared. But I have hope. And this hope helps me to keep going. I struggle with my worry + scared vs. faith. But now, I took comfort in the promises that God has stored for me in PSALM 139.
Therefore, tonight, I want to praise God for everything. I know He is in control. And I pray that whatever result I got, I will still put my full hope + trust in Him. And I'd still be alright with whatever result I got.
So maybe, despite being unsure of packing or not, I think I should start arranging my stuff, cleaning and do some productive activity. I'm going to do some sewing project. And things that I love. Because for now, I am free :)
I still have friends who are going to have their exam starting this Saturday. I pray that God will give me wisdom on how to care and be loving towards them. Hmm, I'm going to motivate them and be helpful for them in time like this.
So for now, I wish those who still have exams all the best! And for my friends who had fly back to Malaysia, safe journey and enjoy your holiday! =)
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