"going overseas is wonderful, but it's worthless if there is no life-changing.."
this is what i want to talk about today.
today i went to play netball after 3years since i finish my high school. i felt so happy i could do what i used to do, and play games like the olden days.
then today,when i was waiting for the bus to the city, i almost missed it. the driver did stop and i was very grateful. he did stop the bus eventhough he'd passed the bus station. its my fault though, i didn't hail the bus earlier.
i'm not sure what bus it is. that is why. and i was busy with my bb checking the fb status. blame me for not giving attention.
then after playing for one hour, my friends (my senior) and i went to Broadview (one of the suburb in Adelaide) to attend some meetings (makan2) at my senior's house. There got makan2, we play games called "kotak kehidupan" and some sharing times, mostly about what our seniors did during the holidays last year. And this year they want to do it again, so its good if we (juniors) could join.
the game 'kotak kehidupan' tu, its like playing the 'bola beracun'. but this time, used box instead of bola or gelas filled with water that we used to use. Everytime the music stop, the person had to open the box and follow the instruction given. mostly about life. one of the question is,
"what do you expect life would be in Adelaide before you arrive here?"
my friend sheera got the question, and i agree with her.
its true that the life here is great. well you see, life is wonderful when i first arrive here. but everything change since the real life began.
we look for a house by ourself. i did make a call with the property agent, with landlord, with the electricity company, talk with everyone. i was forced to, not in a bad way, but in a good way. at first i was not confident to speak with them yeah, my English is not that good. i'm still struggling. especially when comes to understanding their accent. its a bit different from american English which i used to learn during my high school.
then we watch some videos made by our senior. too bad i couldn't share it here. but it says about what actually the purpose of our life.
then, comes to sharing time with the seniors. they talks about Islam and share on how to handle situation when people confronts them with question regarding Islam religion. well, the first thing i want to clarify is, i am a Christian. but i have lots of Muslim friends here.
to be frank i respect them for who they are, and for what religion they practice.
sometime when i am here, i do think that they are good practitioner. They do their solat and read quran.
which brings me to think of WHO I AM.
Am i a real Christian? did i practice my religion?
and to be honest, what the senior share tonight actually reminds me a lot of things. it makes me to think back about what my purpose to be here, and when life turns hard for me here, there is only one hope that i could hold on to..which is to OUR GOD.
maybe i've been in a comfort zone too long. that is why God put me into this simple test to make me realise bout things that i may not learn if i stay in my comfort zone. and to learn to be a better person, have some life changing while i study here.
one of my favorite sharing tonight is from kak k. she said
"you have lots of time. you are young. so do learn how to be a better person. learn what is the life changing means. whether you want it to be good or not, its your choice and make your choice today.
another thing is, "God already plan the purpose of your life. so even you're at the lowest point of your life, you can always turn back because God is always there.."-kak fakhi
its true and always true.
one thing that tugged my deepest heart is,
eventhough we comes from different religion, there is always something that we could learn from each other. a religion is something that we believe and what we practice. religion didn't ask us to hate others, or religion is not about winning, who is right and who is wrong. why do we have to point other people's fault when it comes to issues regarding religion? and why is that nowadays religion is used as a tool to undermine other people. it is ridiculous rite ?
why we could not unite together? religion could reunite us all. eventhough we did not have the same belief. i do think that somehow religion could draw everyone together, to break the wall which seems to grow taller and taller nowadays.- only if we really understand the meaning of love. i think God would be happy to see us all together. lets just stay on what we belief then. i am sure we could live in more harmony environment. no discrimination, nor misunderstanding. its our responsibility to know about other religion too. if we criticize others it doesn't help. beside if we did not understand why do other religion do this, and not that, which confuse us or even upset us, its our faults for being ignorant all this time. its our responsibility to take note of everyone's religion and practices.-as we live together.
that is what my mind keep saying all the time. maybe my point here is nonsense. but just have a thought about that, and do tell me what you think ?
today's event also remind me of who i used to be and what actually i want to be in my life.
i am still deciding, still learning of who am i and still searching the mystery of what our life has offered to us. lets not just waste it ok. - a reminder to my self too
so, plan a head your life. you will not lose anything. remember, if you failed to plan today, you planned to failed.
there is more in life that is what i always said.
i do want a life changing here. i don't want to go back Malaysia only with a degree, but i want to bring something valuable which is more than that. a life lesson that couldn't be bought or learn at university.
so, how about you ? are you living your life up to what you expect or what you've planned? is this what you want in your life? what changes you want in your life? how you want to make it? what life you actually dream of ? is it enough what you have now ?
try answering all this question. In fact the more you think the more question will come out, the more we become sensitive with our life, on what is happening around us and learning more about yourself.
i think thats all for tonight.
p/s: Good night all..God bless..:)
you are so truth alyn!! I was awakened to read this post. I do have my life own purpose, but it becomes so blur now, it feels like I have so many paths to choose. Huhu. Maybe I should sit down and ponder back what are the most important thing in my life. thanks alyn, I think u shud share this post with everyone, have everyone to read it. Hehe. may God bless us all!! Amen
seriously dulu pun mmg saya tidak paham australian accent ni..selalu juga kana bantai terutama sekali when i was on the phone..tapi lama2x ok sdh..just dun force urself too hard..
now mesti kau ok sdh kan :)
good luck wit ur study.. di Melbourbe ada byk juga org Sabah tu...luckily saya ada kwn2x filipino sini...di penrith pun ada satu org sbh tpi bulum lg p jumpa.she's married to ausie..tapi pun stil studying jga...
ok then.see yah.
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