Thursday, March 31, 2011

i wanna buy guitar..

i asked my bro n sis and they support me..
wait till i buy my new guitar..
i am really sure about this..yeahh..

i really missed playing guitar..haven't got any chance to play since i got here..

here is some of the recent youtube post by my friend..
tq for reminding me! :)

another one..there's a lot actually..i'll share it next could look for them by yourself too actually..:)

Monday, March 28, 2011


miss itu rindu..

aishh...boleh ka siapa2?? tolong saya baa..kasi kirim salam sama dia..
saya rindu ba ni sama dia...
kasitau dia a... bilang sy ingat2 ni sama dia..

ka giaaa,,,
adaiiiii c alyn..merepek ja tengah2 malam...haha

baa..hello semuaa..ntah apa mau tulis hari ni..saja memenuhkan blog...
apakah..sangatla pointless...>.<' tapi betul tau tu sy rindu dia..hahaha siapa dia? entah la.. saya saja tu sebut dia..manatau ada yang tau.. cuba teka??? nnti kasitau sy siapa tekaan kamu aa.. ba..itu jam dua suda mau tidur la..esok ada kelas..dari pagi sampai jam 6 petang..>.<'

gud nite, be blessed~

Saturday, March 26, 2011

my checklist..

this is my latest checklist..

going overseas is wonderful, but it's worthless if there is no life-changing..

"going overseas is wonderful, but it's worthless if there is no life-changing.."

this is what i want to talk about today.
today i went to play netball after 3years since i finish my high school. i felt so happy i could do what i used to do, and play games like the olden days.
then today,when i was waiting for the bus to the city, i almost missed it. the driver did stop and i was very grateful. he did stop the bus eventhough he'd passed the bus station. its my fault though, i didn't hail the bus earlier.
i'm not sure what bus it is. that is why. and i was busy with my bb checking the fb status. blame me for not giving attention.
then after playing for one hour, my friends (my senior) and i went to Broadview (one of the suburb in Adelaide) to attend some meetings (makan2) at my senior's house. There got makan2, we play games called "kotak kehidupan" and some sharing times, mostly about what our seniors did during the holidays last year. And this year they want to do it again, so its good if we (juniors) could join.

the game 'kotak kehidupan' tu, its like playing the 'bola beracun'. but this time, used box instead of bola or gelas filled with water that we used to use. Everytime the music stop, the person had to open the box and follow the instruction given. mostly about life. one of the question is,
"what do you expect life would be in Adelaide before you arrive here?"
my friend sheera got the question, and i agree with her.
its true that the life here is great. well you see, life is wonderful when i first arrive here. but everything change since the real life began.
we look for a house by ourself. i did make a call with the property agent, with landlord, with the electricity company, talk with everyone. i was forced to, not in a bad way, but in a good way. at first i was not confident to speak with them yeah, my English is not that good. i'm still struggling. especially when comes to understanding their accent. its a bit different from american English which i used to learn during my high school.
then we watch some videos made by our senior. too bad i couldn't share it here. but it says about what actually the purpose of our life.
then, comes to sharing time with the seniors. they talks about Islam and share on how to handle situation when people confronts them with question regarding Islam religion. well, the first thing i want to clarify is, i am a Christian. but i have lots of Muslim friends here.
to be frank i respect them for who they are, and for what religion they practice.
sometime when i am here, i do think that they are good practitioner. They do their solat and read quran.

which brings me to think of WHO I AM.
Am i a real Christian? did i practice my religion?
and to be honest, what the senior share tonight actually reminds me a lot of things. it makes me to think back about what my purpose to be here, and when life turns hard for me here, there is only one hope that i could hold on to..which is to OUR GOD.
maybe i've been in a comfort zone too long. that is why God put me into this simple test to make me realise bout things that i may not learn if i stay in my comfort zone. and to learn to be a better person, have some life changing while i study here.
one of my favorite sharing tonight is from kak k. she said
"you have lots of time. you are young. so do learn how to be a better person. learn what is the life changing means. whether you want it to be good or not, its your choice and make your choice today.
another thing is, "God already plan the purpose of your life. so even you're at the lowest point of your life, you can always turn back because God is always there.."-kak fakhi

its true and always true.

one thing that tugged my deepest heart is,
eventhough we comes from different religion, there is always something that we could learn from each other. a religion is something that we believe and what we practice. religion didn't ask us to hate others, or religion is not about winning, who is right and who is wrong. why do we have to point other people's fault when it comes to issues regarding religion? and why is that nowadays religion is used as a tool to undermine other people. it is ridiculous rite ?

why we could not unite together? religion could reunite us all. eventhough we did not have the same belief. i do think that somehow religion could draw everyone together, to break the wall which seems to grow taller and taller nowadays.- only if we really understand the meaning of love. i think God would be happy to see us all together. lets just stay on what we belief then. i am sure we could live in more harmony environment. no discrimination, nor misunderstanding. its our responsibility to know about other religion too. if we criticize others it doesn't help. beside if we did not understand why do other religion do this, and not that, which confuse us or even upset us, its our faults for being ignorant all this time. its our responsibility to take note of everyone's religion and practices.-as we live together.

that is what my mind keep saying all the time. maybe my point here is nonsense. but just have a thought about that, and do tell me what you think ?

today's event also remind me of who i used to be and what actually i want to be in my life.
i am still deciding, still learning of who am i and still searching the mystery of what our life has offered to us. lets not just waste it ok. - a reminder to my self too

so, plan a head your life. you will not lose anything. remember, if you failed to plan today, you planned to failed.

there is more in life that is what i always said.

i do want a life changing here. i don't want to go back Malaysia only with a degree, but i want to bring something valuable which is more than that. a life lesson that couldn't be bought or learn at university.

so, how about you ? are you living your life up to what you expect or what you've planned? is this what you want in your life? what changes you want in your life? how you want to make it? what life you actually dream of ? is it enough what you have now ?
try answering all this question. In fact the more you think the more question will come out, the more we become sensitive with our life, on what is happening around us and learning more about yourself.

i think thats all for tonight.

p/s: Good night all..God bless..:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

at last !

Waahhhh..rasa mcm nak mngeliat puas2..jam mnunjukan jam 4.30am. Its been 8hours I write and editing the rest of my journal. Will pass it tomorrow,means today morning..wah,I'm afraid of plagiarism..but mine not enuf referencing..buat ayat sendri,takut ada yg sama coz bca reading material yg sama. Besides the writer of my reading material is my own lecturer..4shure he would know the idea.
Olrite,I'm very2 sleepy, dr pagi,pegi kelas jam8.30..balik jam6,tidur jam 4.30am..oh my..
Lemah la antibody sya..
Ok la..gud a..mata pun sngt2 la berat..esok sy update lagi..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

another fav song..

one of my favourite song..
bila ada kawan post di fb baru rasa nak post cni..
lagu ni bermakna coz without GOD, my dream will never come true..

dedicate untuk semua readers..take time to listen ya..:)

Allyn Rosa Alex Jk

Studied Bachelor of Arts at University of AdelaideLives in Adelaide, South AustraliaFromSabah, MalaysiaBorn on October 29

finishing my journal..

waa..beberapa hari ni..i'm not feeling overload maybe..:(
kalau time-time begini la sy cepat homesick! dush..pandai suda ni sy homesick2..dulu tidak punn..time skolah menengah langsung tia pernah..rasa best sebab hidup terurus!
time buat foundation pandai suda homesick..sampi sini lagi lah..:(

hrm..ada 3 journal lagi sy mo buat..sempat ka sy buat dalam masa dua hari..due FRIDAY 12 NOON!! remind me k..:)
kan best kalau buat journal tu mcam tulis blog ada limit2 x pa,,
hrmm..ada juga sy terfikir ni..KENAPALAAA SAYA TIDAK AMBIL FRENCH! huu~at least tia paya buat tu journal. just belajar new language.
hebat daa kalau tau cakap DUSUN,MELAYU,CINA,ENGLISH,FRENCH! uish..tinggal bahasa Tamil lagi belum masuk dalam list..:(

apa2 pun..bagus sy buat cepat2 tu journal.lepas submit nanti mesti sy rasa lega yang sangat2. hidup rasa kurang teratur bila tekejar2 masa mo siapkan assigment. bukan tu ja..math pun sedang menunggu sy..thursday submit means tomorrow! pastu next week dictation chinese..character belum hafal lagii!! amaaa...mataii noh dogo tii..haha p buat kerja la ni..
p/s:pray for me supaya tetap kuat dsini k..:))


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

renshi ni, wo hen gaoxing !

hi welcome for those who just found my blog !
renshi ni, wo hen gaoxing !

i just learn a few common conversation in chinese..

ni hao ? (hi,how are you?)
> hao. (good)

ni jiao shenme mingze ? (what is your name)
> wo jiao Rosa / wo shi Rosa. (i'm called / my name is)

duibuqi ! (i'm sorry)
> mei guanxi. (it's alright)

ni shi laoshi ma? (are you teacher)
> bu. wo shi xuesheng. ni shi xuesheng ma ? (no, i am student.are you student?)
: dui, wo ye xuesheng.. (true, i also student)

ni shi na guo ren ? (which country person you from)
> wo shi Malaysia ren. wo cong Malaysia Sabah lai. (i am malaysian. i'm from/come malaysia sabah )

renshi ni, hen gaoxing. (meeting you/to know you, very happy)
> renshi ni, wo ye hen gaoxing ! (meeting you/know you, i am also very happy)

alright ! enuf for today..the translation are direct though. go and try with your other friends ! enjoy..:)
see you next time..:)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

continue..tersentuh rasa hati

the reason for my previous post is because of this story..
when i watch this film, again i still cry like the olden days..

if u got time, watch this movie.. i'm sure u gonna like this..:)

so this is the klip video made by others..
hope u enjoy watching..nite people..:)


tersentuh rasa hati..

hai semua..
erm..pernah kah kamu rasa mo nangis kalau tengok movie or drama? klau dengar lagu, bila hayati lirik dia, kmu rasa terharu..? kalau tengok klip video n dengar lagu,,kadang-kadang you could picture yourself mcm watak2 yang kamu nampak ?

saya pernah. nangis..erm..kadang2 memang nangis juga la. kadang2 hampir nangis. kalau sedih n terharu tu..aduii..memang confirm la luruh juga air mata. tapi nda la sampai teresak2 or meraung-raung kan..hehe

ada masa, yes i did picture myself on the movie/drama yg saya tengok. especially yang ada related to myself. mostly kalau ada cerita pasal remaja or kanak-kanak yang berjuang untuk hidup. Pernah tengok GEMILANG di TV3 ? kadang2 ada masa saya rasa saya pernah melalui hal yang sama. kalau mau tau, tengokla Gemilang. Best cerita tu. waLaupun lepas sampai sini sy jarang dapat tengok tv. especially rancangan tv malaysian.  Gemilang tu, before fly p sini, selalu sy tengok. siap ada air mata mengalir juga la..hehe..

hrmm..kenapa juga mo nangis? entahla..kadang-kadang saya sangat sensetif ni kalau ada yang related pasal kehidupan. entah la. dulu time sekolah menengah, i like to write about life. sy pun x tau kenapa. dulu time form five, ada sekali tu soalan B. Inggeris, suruh mengarang. soalan dia.. "LIFE". baa..apalagi memang melonjak heppi ni saya. sebap sy suka tulis pasal life. dulu saya suka copy2 sajak/poem pasal life. and i love to collect quote. kalau saya ada baca buku apa2, kalau jumpa a sentence or dialog yang writer tu tulis, mesti sy copy and tulis di buku nota kecil saya yang selalu saya bawa. kawan2 saya time sekolah menengah mesti sedar kann..:)

kenapa suka collect2 quote? entah la. mybe sebab kata2 dia inspirational. hehe. or maybe sebap saya mo remind myself.. tapi tidaklah saya sampai tulis quote2 tu semua lepas tu tampal sana sini. tapi ada juga la buat macm tu. cuma tidak banyak. my favourite inspirational words kann..semua dri bible. kamu cari la. setiap page mesti ada. kalau saya la...tapi banyak juga dri buku2 yang saya baca.

"no time like present"

ha..ini quote yang baru saya jumpa. walaupun org lain mungkin sdah lama tau. tapi tiba2 ja sy rasa quote ni menarik. mybe maksud dia, kalau kamu rasa mo buat sesuatu, buatla masa tu juga or hari tu juga. that is why, there is no time like present. juga quote ni mengingatkan masa itu sangat berharga kot. sebenarnya kita tiada masa selain dari masa yang kita ada sekarang. and masa yang ada sekarang ini mesti tidak akan sama dengan masa yang lain. jadi..kalau rasa2 hal tu perlu dibuat sekarang juga, buatla.. haiihh, ni la yang buat tersentuh rasa hati ni. sebap, sekarang sy banyak assignment. so, saya patut buat sekarang juga. 

yeahh, i'm working on it.

ok, tiba2 mcm mo keluar topik suda sya ni..hahaha..memang suka melalut. ok la. back to the beginning, i mean middle la ni kann..(haha)..

pernah ka kamu rasa tersentuh rasa hati kalau tengok movie? mesti ada kann..mustahil la tiada. semua orang ada perasaan kan. tedala yang hati keras macam batu sampai teda satu pun yang boleh pinch ur heart kann..
pernah kah kita comparekan hidup or diri kita dengan cerita tu ? of course pernah kan.. sebap selalunya filem/movie akan buat kita relate diri kita dengan watak dalam cerita tu. samalah juga kalau kita baca buku.

tapi pernah kah kita aplikasikan apa yang kita belajar/ kesedaran kita dapat dari tengok cerita tu dalam hidup kita? kalau saya kan, dulu time kecil2 saya suka ni tengok cerita anak yang sangat menghormati orang tua, cerita yang mengisah kan pengorbanan orang tua/family members dan juga cerita pasal kawan. rasanya, klu terlalu absorbed dengan cerita tu, banyak yang sya dapat relate dengan hidup saya.

kadang2 mesti waktu tu jak kita rasa sedar kan, tapi lepas beberapa hari, mesti kita lupa suda kesedaran kita tu..itulah kelemahan kita. tapi janganla sampai kesedaran yg kita dapat tu, kita terus lupakan. sebap selalunya, once ada something yang buat kita rasa terharu or ada yang kita boleh relate dengan diri/hidup kita, selamanya it will be printed in our heart. x akan pernah hilang.
that is why, saya rasa dalam dunia ni, semua orang dilahirkan baik,pintar,pandai and bertimbangrasa. nilai2 moral tu sentiasa ada. tapi hal-hal sekeliling kita yang selalu distract kita sampai kita jadi lupa. lupa diri kita,lupa kesedaran kita.

tersentuh rasa hati,maka tersentuh la hati nurani kita
kesedaran timbul,mengingatkan siapa kita
dan menginsafkan kita..


p/s: entah apa point saya tulis ni..saja memenuhkan entry...haha..PEACE!!

luahan hati..

Gud morning !
ok..sempat lagi saya update blog. hari ni, x tau dpt pgi cuc or not..sebap ada invitation dr kawan ada housewarming..

ok,luahan hati. berani juga sy meluah di sinI kan. tp x apa la. saja mau share dgn readers. 
hm..i got a FREN..skrg bila sy sudah dsini, the only medium yg reliable untuk b'contact adalah through fb. but due to a few things that happened before, sy x berani lagi pegi comment2 d wall/status dia. lagipun dia pernah ckp dgn sy jangan lagi post d wall dia...:(( sedih kan kalau ada org cakap macam tu sama kita..? trus semangat sy macam hilang ni. walaupun ada masa saya mau betul tu komen2 ka or just drop a words,simply by saying hi pun cukupla. tapi semua tu macam mustahil suda ni.

tapi......x apala. sy pun tdk tau apa sebenarnya dia mau.

my mood: sedih :( all HAPPY SUNDAY! GOD BLESS..:)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

ces't moi..:)

so sekarang,sy sedang baring2 atas tilam saya.. ? suka caler dia..
buat saya suka tidur la ni..hahaha
klu sejuk boleh tdur dlm quilt yg tebal...

p/s:1st picer taken when we're moving in into our new house.

its not easy as i thought it would be..

i really meant it..

its not easy as i think it would be. to disciplined ourself from PROCRASTINATION is not easy.
i have FOUR journal to hand in next week, but then haven't start anything. Lazy me !
ok i think i should not waste my time anymore..
>still manage to blogging -.-'

anyway, i'm sleepy already. why every time i want to start doing my assignment i feel sleepy ? (saya hairan) hha

dan saya sangat2 miss my family at sabah. hope they're doing fine.
o ya, disini saya minat mau buat pastry. mesti best kalau dapat belajar making pastry. then nanti balik Malaysia boleh buat untuk family..:) *wink2

o ya. saya juga risau dengan my friend onel. Sis are you alright ? i miss you and hope to be there for you.
i could be a good listener to you. you could cry on my shoulder if you want to. maybe i am not best at giving advices but i could share whatever you wanna share with me. don't worry. u'll never walk alone.

to may, mayy all the best di ipG yaa.. nnti cuti kita jumpa. lots to tell you darl.

ok la. its time to cleep. i miss u all..:)
nite my blog..


my new layout

waa..may cakap nice..tQ may..
ni pilihan random saya. nampak simple. tapi sy suka. lgipun match dengan katun gajah saya yg suka cakap welcome tu. hehehe..
anyway, satu ja la yang saya x berapa suka. rasa-rasanya, besar sangat tak tulisan di blog saya ni..? sy suka tulisan kecik2 juga...

ok sy baru ja ubah balik layout saya,,tgkla klu bertahan..:)) dah terdelete mak jah(gajah) saya n box tuk comment..huhu..sedihnya..wawawa


visit from sista

today ada kakak datang gi rumah kmi..:) they come to visit us.
so happy dorang datang.
and what a surprise, bila sudah cerita2 tu..rupa-rupanya we got lots of thing in common especially interest, the way we view our life.
suka critical thinking kot. suka berfikir. apa2 saja yang terjadi dalam hidup, ada saja significant. they always fascinate me.

a sad day for me..go get some walk in the evening

a bit sad today..
my quiz is pass due..didn't really realize it..its my biggest lesson..
again i have to remind myself..

Again doing last minute is not good..again I've cross the line..and i'm at the brink !
how sad it is..yeah..pity me..:(

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

try to fit in..

i think its been a month i've been  here in Adelaide.
there are many things i need to keep up with. especially in study.
i think i'm the only one who take Arts here among my friends especially JPA Sponsored. and sometime being alone make me feel detached from my other friends. i was hoping that i could have friends who would go to uni with me and go back with me. but i know my dream will never come true. so i have to face the reality of being independent here and stop making excuses or being weak in every single obstacle that i face.
to be or not to be is all depends on me from now on.
yeah i did have my group mate in my maths class. thanks God they are brilliant in maths,so i could ask them to teach me more on topics that i'm not good at.
another thing is i tried to let my self free, and see people around especially international student. i would love to build up my confidence. and i want to brush up more my English. so by immersing my self in those group will force me to speak more. but in the mean time i know that i'm under learning process so i'll learn slowly.
but meeting all those people make me wonder,,what will i be in the future. you see, i've never dream of being abroad. and this is my first time. i did miss my family. and today i think my eyes got watery when Laure (new friend) ask me bout how things goes here..and she is very concerned and i am glad God let people comes in my life in such a way.
its been tough but i won't give up easily. this is just the beginning.
i still don't have group mate in development study and economics, but hopefully tomorrow i will find one. and i'll try to fit in with them. God lead me the way..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

hi everyone!

Well hey!what's up?
I hope everyone is doing great. Me? Ou yeah..I'm good,fit as a fiddle..I'm in a pink of health. Alrite..too much idioms for a start. I want to talk about what I did today.
Opss today I woke up late. I've finish reading one of the novel I bought yesterday. I went back home and straight reading it. Its been so long I didn't occupied my past time with reading books. I'm looking for Nora Robert books but failed to find any in the bookstore I went.

Then I take bath,eat my breakfast(my friend Ana cook today)..and it is superb. Tell you what,yesterday I cook to0..hha!(Boasting a bit,which is not good) hoho..ow..what crap am I talking about.
Hrm..then I do some blogwalking..then I remember I've clothes to wash. Then finish my laundry and continue blogging. So here I am. At last sitting on my bed.

Owh ya,I haven't fulfill my promise to write about my journey going here. Maybe later? And I was thinking too whether I should open one more blog as a fresh start. But is that would be a good idea? Coz having too much blog is kinda troublesome sometime. There's a lot of blog waiting to be updated with my story. And each blog have different story. Anyone could suggest me anything??-.-'