Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Anniversary.. 02.02..

Happy 2nd Year Anniversary...

celebrating anniversary for married people is common..
if couples? do we need to celebrate it?

i do think so..
because for me,i want the person knew how much i appreciate them, and how much i love them.

but our anniversary this year? hrmm... i was crying so hard last night..
i am helpless.. i cried all the way when we have long conversation.. i keep silent most of the time because i am listening to what he was about to say..

i realized something about our relationship..and it hurt me.. truly and deeply..
there is no solid foundation for both of us. at least he make me realized about it. because he said it himself..

hmm.. am i stupid?
for not realizing it for 2 years?

my faults? yeah. but i'm learning.

i'm sorry..i can't be perfect..

i should be happy right now..but its ok. i'm adjusting myself.
i am happy coz i'm leaving..

God guide me in this journey of my life..
help me to see things by me having open heart and open mind..

i was i can see..
i am weak but now i'm strong...

Thanks God..:)

1 comment:

Ellye Evangelista said...

God bless both of you arr. :)))))