Saturday, July 12, 2014

3rd Week at BET

Warmest greetings from me! ^_^

Its been more than three weeks since I've started my first official job. We had debtors list meeting three days ago and again my bos-Mr. B ask me how is it going so far. I'm thankful that everything is good so far. I still have lots to learned. Still have lots to explore.

I don't have a definite answer to where I am going from this stage onward. But I am sure that God is with me. And He is preparing me through this new environment/responsibility/circumstance.
Its been a good journey though. Not as smooth as it look like from the outside but neither not as rough as imagined inside.

I don't know why I often found my self in Anthropologist and Economist mode. I guess everyone is one most of the time. Its just that they either don't know it or don't bother to even understand or know what is anthro+econs.

Anyway today is the last day for this week. Next week weds will be officially my 4th week a.k.a 1 month working at BET.

I Will post another entry for that. Anyway..I think that's all for now.

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