Monday, January 7, 2013

when you gets older

When you were one more year older, I guess, the way you see life will change as well. Older one more year, means one more year of experience. I just read one of my friend's post in her blog. Just like her, I do feel blessed by everything happened in my life. I guess, when you gets older, you too will start to appreciate everything that happened in your life. And yes, I do. 

Although there are times that things seems so out of my hands, I always know that, in the end, I could do everything in God who strengthen me. And this hope and assurance that I had, cannot be compared with any worldly quotes that I've read. I guess, that is one of the difference of worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom. 

Today, i went to the gym with my house-mate. The first activity I've tried is Body Balance. And I do enjoy the class so much! I'm looking forward to next class. Coming again this Wednesday for Zumba. I came to realise that more and more people talk about Zumba, so I decided to check it out! It was fun being in the gym because it was only for women. And I know where I could spend the rest of my free time when uni starts.

I'm very serious about shedding the kilos I've gained. I guess, it is going to be the last time for me to eat fast food. I am trying to change my diets by eating more fruits and veggies. =)

So, until then...


1 comment:

frecylla may said...

finally, found your blog URL.. ! hehe..lets join hands together for a healthy diet and lifestyle allyn!:D