bahh..mau dekat suda dihh cuti saya..tapi sebelum cuti saya ada exam owh...nanti sblum sy balik sy stay2 dlu di sini ada la masa sy cari2 hadiah kan...
hari ni sy tefikir bah tu, sepa2 yang selalu datang jenguk2 si allyn sini pigi baca dia punya entry2 yang kadang2 panjang lebar la aa..banyak bah di kepala..rsa mcm mau rekod semua di blog..:D so, kepada siapa2 yang accidentally nampak ini entry..kalau berminat cuba lah nasib bah..:D hehe
tapiiii...ada sy mau minta tolong kamu buat sbelum dapat itu giveaway saya...hee~
simple seja tida tia minta kamu like2 page sy d FB ka or jadi follower saya...
buli kasitau kamu dari mana, apa pengalaman kamu waktu kicik2 sampai besar ka, apa yang inspired kamu kah..heee~ atau kalau ada cerita yang sedih2 yang kamu mau share pun bulih... kalau mau reka2 pun bulih..tapi kalau real story lagi siok bah kan.. bahhh jommmm ikut..:)
bulih tag sepa2 kawan blogger kamu juga..:) bahasa, apa2 pun boleh yang penting si allyn boleh baca aa... :)
apa hadiah dia?? uitt...tapi tidak lah hebat2 macam org lain bah...erm..hadiah surprise lah bah aa..nanti kalau suda announce pemenang baru sy bagi...boleh bah kann..^^ yang penting hadiah dia SPECIAL DARI ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA... nahhh...marih lah join..^^
tarikh tutup..: sampai 31 Okt 2011
so lamaa lagi, bulih pikir2 apa kamu mau tulis.. :)
pas tu, kalau suda siap mengarang, pigi report sama saya yang kamu suda buat tu entry,leave ur comments sini bawah ni entry..kasi tinggal la link kamu juga aa... supaya senang sy pigi cek satu2...
selamat mencuba! :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
wattpad-the best place to discover and share story
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just click here.. : wattpad

yiihaaaaa..... Happy Reading!!
sy book lover so kalau kamu macam saya...p la tingu2 bah...hhe..
just click here.. : wattpad
yiihaaaaa..... Happy Reading!!
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Facebook’s new Timeline: 12 cool features
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why don't you try it as well..
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its your choice, so before you opt to change ur fb, think first! :)
happy trying! :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
2 weeks! outing to Yaringa Alpacas at Currency Creek in South Australia
oh my..its been two weeks already~ quite sometime i guess..
its my mid sem break for two weeks time. so far, i don 't have any interesting plan to do for the holiday. maybe i'll just stay at home and finish up all my assignment, and prepare for my presentation and coming final exam.
but last week, i've been to Apalca Farm! it was a great day for me. i feel bonded towards Queen Province. who is she?? lets scroll down and read my story on that day.
On 24th of Sept, my church friends and I went to Apalca Farm owned by one of our church members in Trinity Church. The place was located near Victor Harbour. The journey takes about one hour and a half to get there. Upon arriving there, we met with one of Michael's horse. Michael is Susan's brother, she was the owner of the farm. They were very generous to us, providing the lunch and free tour of the farm. I'm so glad to met the animals there. Especially the Alpaca!
Michael introduce us to his horse. But he said the horse is not fit for riding because of the curve on its back. Its quite obvious i think. There is another black stallion near us but i couldn't take his picture because he keep running around as the kids were excitingly chasing after him just to have a pet over his silk black skin.
The middle Alpaca is the daddy, the son is the brown one. I forgot their names already. And that's what I found quite interesting. All of the Alpaca has their own names. And each of them has their own stories on how they've got their names.
Believe me the fur is so soft you feel like you want to cuddle the Alpaca. This female Alpaca had won many awards for the best quality of wool.
They did look cute from behind aren't they. They look like a sheep right?? but no, they are from camels family! not breed from giraffe and sheep..hha
Susan told us that Alpaca is very useful to the farmers. Alpacas could help to herd the sheep. They hate fox and they do kills fox. They will jump over the fox and kill them by trample down the fox again and again using their legs and weights. That is why, Alpaca does not go along very well with dogs!
Owh ya, Alpacas do fights! what do you think what guys fight for?! hha, and they fight using their neck. they wrestle their neck with each other. but they do gather together as well. they feel safe being in a group. and amazingly, when they sniff each other and put their forehead together, means they trust each others. sometime the younger Alpacas tend to stay close with the older Alpacas.
Yummy isn't it? Owh, sadly i forgot to take picture of my dessert! I have an ice cream!
After the lunch, Bernie share short bible talks with us. :) its about how our life outside the range of God, and when we lives within God's perimeter.
i like this view. oh, maybe i forgot to mention this..but Australia's skies is sooo bluee that you want to stare them until your eyes get hurt. but you feel so calm as if the skies calm you. you feel so peeaceful, you feel like want to lay on the grass and watch over the skies.. too much! lol
This is Queen Province. Susan told me that QP is very special. when i ask why, she said that QP was born 3months after her mother died in an accident. at first i was confused. But Susan explained to me that QP's mother is one of the Farm's best female Alpaca. She got pregnant, they take her ovum and placed it into another Alpaca. Amazingly, they are twins. QP has a twin sister. But she was in another barn, for she is going to a show next week, so Susan did not want her fur to be too dirty and to be ready for the show. Because, from what i've seen this Alpaca likes to play with the dirt, like the cats or dogs playing on the grass.. its a nice view though.
Michael asked us to catch them in pairs. We had to catch one males and females according to their colours. Its not that difficult to determine which is male and female. All you have to do is to look on their ears. Female had a gold pins on the right ear and male on the left ear. And to remember this is simple. Just remember that female are always right! hha..
Well, QP is just so adorable. I have the chance to catch the Alpacas. And i've learnt that to catch the Alpacas, we had to catch them by aiming their necks. Yes go for the necks! kinda like hugging them on the neck i guess. At first QP is quite stubborn. And actually she had a cream colour behind those brown wools on top of her body. And it was a wonderful experience feeling when she trust you as she lean on you as you walk together with her.
Owshh, i feel like i was hugging a big teddy bear!
Well, after all the wonderful experience, finally we all went back to Adelaide. I fell asleep on the way back home. I felt wonderful.
1st because i finally able to join the Trinity's activity,
2nd i met new friends, Phang from Ipoh, Perak and Ivy from KL, with Louis their son. Ivy is 4months pregnant, she's going to do the scan next month. Praise the Lord for the good news..:) and i met Melissa doing her phd in microbiology, on pneumonia. She's from Malaysia as well but had migrated to New Zealand when she was still small. :) met one Sabahan fellow but forgot her name. Met many new friend, but that's all i could remember..:( owha ya met Diana from South America, doing phD.
3rd,because i could see all the great God's creation. how grateful i am. to see all the beautiful scenery along the journey.
4th is to have fellowship with others
and above all..i don't know why but i feel contented with how God works with my life. i feel like i want to give more.. :)
well..i think that's the story of my last weekend. i'm looking forward to my next excursion. until then, i hope all the readers take care of yourself! and i hope you enjoy reading! :)
its my mid sem break for two weeks time. so far, i don 't have any interesting plan to do for the holiday. maybe i'll just stay at home and finish up all my assignment, and prepare for my presentation and coming final exam.
but last week, i've been to Apalca Farm! it was a great day for me. i feel bonded towards Queen Province. who is she?? lets scroll down and read my story on that day.
click here to know more! : Yaringa Alpacas
On 24th of Sept, my church friends and I went to Apalca Farm owned by one of our church members in Trinity Church. The place was located near Victor Harbour. The journey takes about one hour and a half to get there. Upon arriving there, we met with one of Michael's horse. Michael is Susan's brother, she was the owner of the farm. They were very generous to us, providing the lunch and free tour of the farm. I'm so glad to met the animals there. Especially the Alpaca!
Michael introduce us to his horse. But he said the horse is not fit for riding because of the curve on its back. Its quite obvious i think. There is another black stallion near us but i couldn't take his picture because he keep running around as the kids were excitingly chasing after him just to have a pet over his silk black skin.
Introducing you the Alpaca! These three Alpaca had won many awards for the best female and male Alpaca. Susan told us that Alpaca is from South America. Could be found in Peru, Chile..etc
Susan told us that to decide what is the criteria of a high quality Alpaca is to look at their wools. it might look dirty outside. but when we open the wool, and look inside they are white!!and very very clean! and the more dense the wool is the higher the quality of the wools. they wools is just where our fleece comes from. aren't they cozy! and warm too! i have one in my room. glad to have them especially during winter! :)The middle Alpaca is the daddy, the son is the brown one. I forgot their names already. And that's what I found quite interesting. All of the Alpaca has their own names. And each of them has their own stories on how they've got their names.
His weight is about 80 kg!
some info from Wikipedia: Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, alpacas were not bred to be beasts of burden but were bred specifically for their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted and woven items, similar to wool. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles and ponchos in South America, and sweaters, socks, coats and bedding in other parts of the world.Believe me the fur is so soft you feel like you want to cuddle the Alpaca. This female Alpaca had won many awards for the best quality of wool.
They did look cute from behind aren't they. They look like a sheep right?? but no, they are from camels family! not breed from giraffe and sheep..hha
Susan told us that Alpaca is very useful to the farmers. Alpacas could help to herd the sheep. They hate fox and they do kills fox. They will jump over the fox and kill them by trample down the fox again and again using their legs and weights. That is why, Alpaca does not go along very well with dogs!
Owh ya, Alpacas do fights! what do you think what guys fight for?! hha, and they fight using their neck. they wrestle their neck with each other. but they do gather together as well. they feel safe being in a group. and amazingly, when they sniff each other and put their forehead together, means they trust each others. sometime the younger Alpacas tend to stay close with the older Alpacas.
Most of them won awards too. These group is the best Alpaca!
Ok,enough for the tour. Before we continue our hunts around the farm, we went back to the first stop. We're having our lunch! Thanks to Michael and Susan's family for their generosity to provide us lunch.
Yummy isn't it? Owh, sadly i forgot to take picture of my dessert! I have an ice cream!
After the lunch, Bernie share short bible talks with us. :) its about how our life outside the range of God, and when we lives within God's perimeter.
i like this view. oh, maybe i forgot to mention this..but Australia's skies is sooo bluee that you want to stare them until your eyes get hurt. but you feel so calm as if the skies calm you. you feel so peeaceful, you feel like want to lay on the grass and watch over the skies.. too much! lol
This is Queen Province. Susan told me that QP is very special. when i ask why, she said that QP was born 3months after her mother died in an accident. at first i was confused. But Susan explained to me that QP's mother is one of the Farm's best female Alpaca. She got pregnant, they take her ovum and placed it into another Alpaca. Amazingly, they are twins. QP has a twin sister. But she was in another barn, for she is going to a show next week, so Susan did not want her fur to be too dirty and to be ready for the show. Because, from what i've seen this Alpaca likes to play with the dirt, like the cats or dogs playing on the grass.. its a nice view though.
Michael asked us to catch them in pairs. We had to catch one males and females according to their colours. Its not that difficult to determine which is male and female. All you have to do is to look on their ears. Female had a gold pins on the right ear and male on the left ear. And to remember this is simple. Just remember that female are always right! hha..
Well, QP is just so adorable. I have the chance to catch the Alpacas. And i've learnt that to catch the Alpacas, we had to catch them by aiming their necks. Yes go for the necks! kinda like hugging them on the neck i guess. At first QP is quite stubborn. And actually she had a cream colour behind those brown wools on top of her body. And it was a wonderful experience feeling when she trust you as she lean on you as you walk together with her.
Owshh, i feel like i was hugging a big teddy bear!
Well, after all the wonderful experience, finally we all went back to Adelaide. I fell asleep on the way back home. I felt wonderful.
1st because i finally able to join the Trinity's activity,
2nd i met new friends, Phang from Ipoh, Perak and Ivy from KL, with Louis their son. Ivy is 4months pregnant, she's going to do the scan next month. Praise the Lord for the good news..:) and i met Melissa doing her phd in microbiology, on pneumonia. She's from Malaysia as well but had migrated to New Zealand when she was still small. :) met one Sabahan fellow but forgot her name. Met many new friend, but that's all i could remember..:( owha ya met Diana from South America, doing phD.
3rd,because i could see all the great God's creation. how grateful i am. to see all the beautiful scenery along the journey.
4th is to have fellowship with others
and above all..i don't know why but i feel contented with how God works with my life. i feel like i want to give more.. :)
well..i think that's the story of my last weekend. i'm looking forward to my next excursion. until then, i hope all the readers take care of yourself! and i hope you enjoy reading! :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Malaysian Carnival
On the 11 Sept 2011, Malaysian Carnival was held here in Adelaide at the Victoria Square, the heart of South Australia City. The place was chosen mainly because of the strategic place and easy to access. I enjoy the event very much, and i eat a lot too..the event was to brought back bits of Malaysian Culture to Adelaide to promote what Malaysia culture is.
one word.. awesomeness!!
i enjoy the event very much. there are many food stalls selling Malaysian cuisine. And the best part is, Malaysian Celebrity Chef, Datuk Chef Wan was exclusively invited down here to do demonstrate how Malaysian cuisine was prepared. and the food is...superb! he said, it was the most delicious food,,mainly was free!! indeed Mr. Chef Wan!
and he's damn funny..everyone laugh heartily coz he was making joke endlessly...and you know when he seem unstoppable. but his humor keep everyone happy..:)
other than that, we're giving out many performances for those who come to watch and enjoy. To feel and see what Malaysian culture is about.
indeed it was a busy day, but all the sacrifices for a month was fully paid! :) everyone who participate in this event give the best as they could.
For me, the best part of this event is..i meet the Sabahan people down here! it has been planned actually, we know each other through facebook group.
one word.. awesomeness!!
i enjoy the event very much. there are many food stalls selling Malaysian cuisine. And the best part is, Malaysian Celebrity Chef, Datuk Chef Wan was exclusively invited down here to do demonstrate how Malaysian cuisine was prepared. and the food is...superb! he said, it was the most delicious food,,mainly was free!! indeed Mr. Chef Wan!
and he's damn funny..everyone laugh heartily coz he was making joke endlessly...and you know when he seem unstoppable. but his humor keep everyone happy..:)
other than that, we're giving out many performances for those who come to watch and enjoy. To feel and see what Malaysian culture is about.
indeed it was a busy day, but all the sacrifices for a month was fully paid! :) everyone who participate in this event give the best as they could.
For me, the best part of this event is..i meet the Sabahan people down here! it has been planned actually, we know each other through facebook group.
new friends..Fizul,Charles,Kak Anita n her husband, Khalisa(Sydney),Shahirah and cute Yasmin!
actually kak anita brought her whole family but her eldest son was taking this picture while Rohan,her second child is playing near us. what a great moment! and i miss Yasmin so much!she's sooo adorable. we're planning to do second meet up. and i can't wait to see the whole family again!
before i closed this entry tonight, lets have a look at more picture!
inang dancer
hornbill dancer
mock Malay wedding
Zapin dancer
Ngajat dancer
stage view
umbrella dancer
endang dancer
there are lots more but i'll update them soon.. :)
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