Friday, December 16, 2011

happy holiday!! ^^

On 30th Nov, i arrived safely at Sabah, The Land Below The Wind. Felt so happy and greatly grateful.. finally i'm home.
I am so happy to meet my family, esp bapa n mama.. :)

Nothing much on my first week of holiday.. but the highlight is, my meeting with my Cur_rush.
May, onel sama eliyana.. eventho everyone is not there, ada drg tiga pun ok suda.. wlpun sy rinduu betul sama yang lain.. drg juga la paling the best. May God bless our friendship 11 org ni will be until kmi semua suda kerja, and ada family kami masing2..sampai anak cucu la.. alang2 smpi akhir hayat. Sy doakan supaya semua dpt capai la impian masing2.. :) harap inda lupa la semua kenangan sama2 selama beberapa tahun.

another highlight of the week, sy ikut bapa sama rombongan SIB Pekan Ranau p KG. Monggis utk lawatan. Pengalaman yg tidak akan dilupakan. cantik owh tu tempat. Thanks to dad for telling me the history and background of Monggis Village, tq for sharing the vision of the place. I am looking forward to see how Kg. Monggis will develop in 10 years. I pray so that God will hold the village and His will be done there.

Monggis as the substation for Taman-taman Sabah tu sangat strategik utk pelbagai aktiviti. Sempat juga kami p tgk Rumah Besar sana tengah2 hutan. Cantik owh. I wish i could go there again. And maybe pegi naik tu Gunung Tambuyukon. Bila tengok to trail dia.. adoii jauh owh... harap2 ada kawan yang suka pigi hiking.. :DD trus rasa macam mo buat wish list pula sy ni.. sebelum tukar status.. wahh... pandangan jauh owh kan.. hahaha~

Second week, erm..mcm teda highlight seja.. owh ada pula beberapa.. haha.. sy heppi sebap langsir bilik sy suda siap..bilik sy pun siap..yuhuuuuu~ then ada org datang merisik my big sister.. haha!  begitu pula kalo ada urg datang merisik kan.. hihihi.. scary nyaa!! lol... o ya..pastu jalan2 sama my 2nd sister round KK in one day. panat owhh..ada juga cenderamata sy dapat.. (blister di kaki)

sy ada pengumuman nih..kunu.. mau juga kestau kan.. hahaha~
 actually kan.. masa sy round2 KK sama kakak sy.. that was the first time sy pi Pasar Pelipin yang sana KK tuh.. aduii.. mati2 sy kana kasi ketawa sis sy.,., dia bilang sama sy.."nama seja ko skola di kk masa high pikir ko suda round KK" dia bilang,,punyala sy malu.. hahaha..
tapi inda apa la..
harap2 ada urg mau bawa sy jalan2 di KK nanti, suka juga bah round2 KK..bawa la sy jalan kaki,, sy okeh saja tu..haha.. apalagi kalau jalan2 dekat2 tu laut..hihii..

tapi ada juga info yg menyedihkan.. masa limpas tu kedai2 kraftangan di tepi2 laut tuh..yg dekat waterfront.. sy fikir2 la pasal tu handcraft..knapa mahal nih.. trus menurut sumber..@ada la bah kajian kan.. peratusan besar handcraft di sabah tu was made overseas. kos pmbuatan di luar negeri lebih murah. so drg import. bila sampai Sabah, trus tu handcraft kena jual harga promosi.. trus naikni harga dia.. itulah pasal mahal..
aduii... kasian juga ni ekonomi di Sabah,,,

Highlight minggu ketiga saya..urm.. belum lagi ada.. mngkin esok la.. sy baru mo start sy punya ceramah...
patutnya bnyak org kawin sabtu ni d Ranau.. tapi sy tia dpt pigi..huhu~ sedihnya..
tapi inda apalah.. :) 

ada lagi satu tarikh highlight pula.. 12.12.2011. hmph.. something happen. tp nda apala. lupakan. :)

okeh deh, itulah update sy masa cuti. 
Nanti akan datang lagi. hehe..

adioss.... yeahh!! Christmas mood!!! ^^

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hello everyone!! its been for a while! yes!
My final paper for my final exam for my first sem ended well today! :)
mode: happy..

ok,back to the point!!! oh yesss..millions thanks to everyone who had participate in my so called giveaway!
i am so happy having 5 people in total who participate my giveaway.. i appreciate all your efforts...
thank you!!!

ok, after much thought and considering the effort that you've made...and after asking two professional jury(hehe)..

i would like to announce the winner of my so called giveaway...

and the winner is....

Christened Christcelda  (click if you want to know more about her)
i had to admit..ur story is inspirational..thank you for sharing them with me.. :) and i wish you all the best!

so if you guys would like to read the others's pieces, help yourself..
but first of all, i hope anyone who had submitted their story wouldn't mind if i share them here..all credits to the owner of the story..
1.Christened Christcelda
2.miss may
3.miss wynda
5.miss onel

thank you everyone!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

last day of my giveaway...

if you still interested in joining my could check on my previous post..:),,i went blogwalking..and look around..checking people who submitted their link for my giveaway.. i have to say that i am soooooo excited and soo happy to read them..knowing that there are ppls who actually put effort on writing them,,i am more than thankful to you..such a wonderfuyl story..funny too..and so inspiring i must say..:)

thank you again..thank you.. i'll try to put all the link together at the end of this that other blogger who are interested to know their story will have the chance to read them as well..:) is super hot! yeah..feels like summer..but its still spring?! :(
i think i got sunburnt today..:(
will take time to recover tho..huhuhu...

ok..till next time.. o ya.. the give away ends at midnight! today!

cheers! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

letter to my dad and mom..

This is my story..
Bapa: "Mari kita baca dalam Efesus 6:1. Hai anak-anak, taatilah orang tuamu di dalam Tuhan, karena haruslah demikian. Hormatilah ayahmu dan ibumu--ini adalah suatu perintah yang penting, seperti yang nyata dari janji ini:  supaya kamu berbahagia dan panjang umurmu di bumi."
Allyn: (Senyum..mendengar dengan tekun)
Bapa: Ko faham apa maksud firman Tuhan ni Alin?
Allyn:(Angguk2..nda lama..geleng2 kepala)
Bapa: Mula menerangkan maksud firman Tuhan satu persatu..ayat demi ayat..

Setiap tahun kebiasaan adalah seperti ini..setiap kali ada antara kami adik beradik yang sambut hari jadi, mesti bapa bagi ayat firman Tuhan yg dipetik dari Efesus. sampai satu saat..

Bapa:"Mari kita baca dalam..
Allyn:"Efesus ayat satu..Hai anak2, taatilah orang tuamu......... (membaca dengan lancar)
Bapa: (Tersenyum..)
Allyn: "Nah sy hafal suda. Itu seja balik2 gia setiap tahun...
But the moment i said those words,  i regret it... because after this year dad use another verse for me for my birthday.

i think i've hurt my dad when i say those. I'm sorry dad....

i think i miss those moments. and i miss to hear it from you. i guess, there will be no more next time for me to hear that from you... :(
over the years, i think i grow up with that verse.. even if you never read from that verse anymore..but they lived in me.. it always rang on my head everytime my birthday is coming...

when i remember all those moments, i'll always smile. i think that was the greatest gift i'll always get for my birthday. no present, nothing or what so ever. Birthday cake is not the things i am looking forward anymore, but having the simple and short fellowship on the dining table before we ate together what mom had cook for everyone, for me is the best part .when dad and mom said their prayer for me, i feel like i am the most blessed person in the world. hearing all your prayer for me makes me smile and makes me wanna cry..:'(
to grow up in faith, to be a good daughter,to have succes in life.. have no idea how you both had change me..

i know, sometime i am stubborn , and i easily get angred towards the other..sometime i worried you, sometime it is difficult to advice me..sometime i hurt you,sometime i make you angry...i am lazy,sometime not really considerate and go against your will...
but as i grow up..i learn to take responsibility..
indeed..there are many things i didn't understand.. i don't understand why you get so mad at me when i did wrong, i don't know why you punish me when i do mistakes..
but none of them hurt me..none of them i remember..
because everytime you mad at me, everytime you punish me.. you'll come to me and said sorry.
i don't know an adult..i come to realise is very hard to say sorry... even to my siblings.. apa lagi kalau dengan parents...
for that..thank you mom and dad..for saying sorry to me..
for i know how to say sorry to you and say thank you to you in return..
because of you, i always feel grateful for everything i have..

maybe i seldom said this..but i really love you.
you r a great daddy...
when i said i want a boyfriend like you, i am not joking. i really mean it.
i look up high on you. you r my inspiration.
for me, you teach me lots of things that beyond my age. you simply told me about how things work.
sorry if i asked you too many question. i know sometime it is hard for me to understand, and hard for you to explain,,mcam bila sy tnaya camana kereta boleh bergerak, apa sejarah sabah, kenapa itu..kenapa ini..
but you tried anyway..and thank you for that..
thank you for picking me up at school, asking about my bad day, making me laugh and even giving me hard moments to realise my mistakes. through them all, i grew up to understand things more.. and i couldn't be more than grateful.
i still remember when you pick me up the last day of my senior in SMESH, you asked me..
"how u feeling? this is your last day at school?" and i said "hmm..mcm biasa2 seja..sedih tapi happy.." i knew that will be the biggest step in my life..i am not a highschool girl anymore..and what i achived and who i am in school is my past.. and day you said  the most memorable words for me..
"it seem s like yesterday..mcam baru saja bapa hantar kau masuk skolah asrama..hari ni..bapa aambil ko balik rumah and this is the last time.."
dad..i almost choked when you said that to me..
i must be hard for you when you first send me there..i know i am your little girl.. but then..when you pick me know that i've change..change to be a girl who had her own mind now..
thank you for helping me through everything..even if we seldom talk, i learn by watching you.
i knew you r not perfect, but i learn that i am not perfect too.
and i accept everything as i accept that i sometime do wrong too.
sorry if i've ever made an impression that i hate you..or mad at stomping my feet when you want to watch football or chong wei on tv when i want to watch akademi fantasia..
no dad, i am sorry... you seldom had your time to watch what you like,,and i know that you like to watch them as much as i like to watch mine..i am being selfish if i wont tolerate with you..
all my life you have given so much for me and our family...i came to realise that..
why not give you a time to relax and enjoy your favourite past time too...
thank you dad for worrying for me.. i know,teenage hormones always get on me..sometime i am being selfish and rebel on you.. but you never failed to keep reminding me about the possibility of being that way...:)
thank you for being a great example for me..
i think you r the 'coolest' dad i've ever had.. ^^
thank a million dad..for everything...i am 20 years now..and here i am trying to pursue my dream..
i still need you and always need you dad...

u r a good mom..
i like to eat whatever you cook! it is the best meal i've ever had for i know mom is doing her best for her children. Terima kasih ma...:'(
and i do want to be like you in many ways..:)
not only being a mother for me, but also be my very best friend..
thank for being patient to me..
thank you for all the advise and all the transparent confession to me..
you r the closest image i could see myself..
maybe you r not perfect but your imperfection makes me realise that i am more than imperfect person..
that teach me to be humble..
and i am sorry if sometime i am being proud..
sorry for doing many silly mistakes..but thank you for making me realise about that..
thank you for teaching me how to cook..
thanks for teaching me to plant veggies..
pushing me to do household chores..
pushing me to be independent..
now i i know..
that you're doing that to prepare me to face the world..
thank you for spending your time with me in everything i do..
mcam waktu kita pigi beli barang2 masa sy mau fly..
mybe i had my bad mood..i am sorry..
sorry if i give you an impression that i didn't appreciate what you've done for me..
but actually i am more than thankful mom..
i still remember when i go back from boarding school, you didn't tell me that you give me a chartered taxi..i cried a lot because i know it will cost you a substantial amount of money,,but you said you don't mind, and just take it as your sacrifice for me just to see me home for three days.. i will say it is not worth it..but mom,,you make it worth! :)
and i hope you know that by now..
mybe i seldom say..but i am sorry mom..
sorry for making you worried about me..
thanks for teaching me many things..
and i still needed learn more..
teach me more mom..

Hello pa, ma..
Apa khabar?

i am not sure if you ever read this.. i am not sure if you've checked ur fb or not..
but writing this to you is sincerely from the bottom of my heart.
you see, on this day... 20 years ago.. i was born..
thank you mom for the great pain that you've endured for me..thank you for you 20years of patient to take care of me..
daddy, thank you for everything.. thank you.. :)

being away make me appreciate more, realise more and all this thought humbled me more..
thank you for all your sacrifice.. I could only ask God to blessed you both more..
for i am still a child and always be your littel girl..and i wish to stay that forever if that could make you happy..^^
thank you mau mengucap syukur..
thank you ma.. sy mau mengucap syukur..
for today..
 i am 20 years old.. :)

God bless you!
Lots of love and kisses..
Allyn :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

its been a while..

Hi bloggers and blog-walkers... how r u? fine? :) i hope so..
my last update was almost a month now. i've been busy..yeah.. my final exam is coming, and i'm doing my last assignment for anthropology today, i mean now.. :)

i noticed that nobody respond to my giveaway..not that i am dissapointed or whatsoever, because a part of me didn't really mind about it coz as you all see.. i didn't really tell everyone or make it official..all because i want it to be just between you and me.. yes.. to anyone who walk around here in my humble thoughts.. :)

nonetheless, i hope there is someone who really take up this so-called challenge from me. its easy i guess..or maybe a bit boring? that people don't really want to share their story.. well.. its up to you to make it interesting though.. i'm not expecting you to tell everything or every detail of your life.. i respect your privacy.. :) just tell me something that you would like to tell me.. i just want to be friend..^^

enuf for that..

hurm, my random thought today is about the flooding information in facebook. yeah, a lot of shocking news and heated issue came surfaced in the fb.. did you realise it too?? me is a definitely yes!
especially about the little Chinese girl who died after having a battle with the injuries she got..a van trampled on her.. and all the reason why people ignore her is absurd! yeah and the driver too! see how cheap life is for them... :( i cant sleep for two day thinking about what i saw in the video.
and also about the domestic violence, etc etc, the natural disaster, etc etc,,argument on religion.. and the politics news..

thank to the vast info that overflowed in facebook. i dont have to read newspaper, i could sit and read them at home. fb got them all... and yeah.. i think people is more aware nowadays.. people are more educated, more informed and more critical in their opinion.. everyone is commenting, everyone is giving their piece of thoughts.

however, a pang of realisation hit me today. i mean just now. that's why i've decided to write this entry.

how many hours we spend checking fb? how long we think what to reply or write or post comment in fb? how long we spend our time reading and browsing, stalking and hunting peoples in facebook?

true or not.. we forgot to really look our surrounding. WE LOOK BUT WE DIDN'T SEE.
that our world is totally in the brink of tremendous disaster. we look at the biggest earthquake in Japan, look at the heart wrenching story, look at the fall down of the strongest economic continent, look at the human misery, war, death, nature disaster.. there's too much uncertainty and anxiety in this world., i am not trying to make you feel sick about them all.. i just want us to realise that we couldn't deny this is happening.. we wake up everyday, do our obligation.. and on..and on..but don't really do much about it...

think about it in a sec..

what comes to your mind?

what could you do?

are you ready if all those things happen in front of your eyes?

are you ready  if it happen on you? could you go through with it? yes?no?

if this is the last day of your life..where you want to go?
what you want to do? just ignore everything and just walk your life as if nothing will happen, that its not going to get you soon or never..

its happening and really is happening...

so what can we do?
lets pray together so we have wisdom to understand things that is hard to comprehend, that the humanity of people will not be tarnished as the world engulfed into despair.. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

mengucap syukur

seringkali kita lupa melihat tiap sisi kehidupan kita. sedar mahupun tidak, pernah kah kita mengingati dan menyedari bahawa tiap satu yang kita miliki itu adalah anugerah Tuhan.
sikap mengingati dan menyedari betapa segala sesuatu yang kita ada itu hanyalah pinjaman semata kita di dunia pasti mampu membuat kita sentiasa berasa cukup dengan apa yang kita ada.

pernahkan kita ingat?
pernahkah kita lihat?
pernahkah kita rasa?
pernahkah kita mengucap syukur?

bermula dari apa yang ada pada diri kita..
kesihatan tubuh jasmani..
kemampuan kita untuk berfikir..
kemampuan kita untuk mempamerkan emosi kita..
pakaian yang selesa..
keperluan harian yang sentiasa ada..
makanan dan minuman..

lihat lebih luas..

apa yang kita ada..
duit..meskipun tidak banyak..
kereta? atau wang untuk menggunakan kemudahan awam..
mobile phone?
bahkan setiap helaian kertas yang kita ada..
semua itu bukan milik kita..

melainkan milik Tuhan.

lihat lebih jauh..
orang yang dikasihi..

burung2 di udara,
ikan2 di lautan..
segala binatang yang merayap di bumi..

indahnya ciptaan Tuhan..

pernahkah kita mengucap syukur..??

mengucap syukurlah dalam segala sesuatu. bahkan dalam setiap situasi yang kita hadapi. kerana semua itu sudah ditentukan oleh Tuhan yang memegang kehidupan kita.
adakah dengan risau dengan apa yang akan kita pakai, apa yang akan kita makan,
risau dengan cabaran2 yang kita hadapi itu, dapat menambah sehasta lagi dalam hidup kita?

mengucap syukurlah sebab dengan itu kita akan sentiasa bersukacita. bahkan kita akan selalu punya rasa rendah hati.. kerana ada yang lebih penting dan lebih besar dari semua yang kita lihat pada pandangan mata..

mengucap sykurlah.. :)

✿~ Wikipedia : I know everything !
✿~ Google : But i have everything !
✿~ Facebook : So what? i know everybody !
✿~ Internet : Hey without me.. you all are nothing !
✿~ Electricity : Silent ! Who's The Boss now ?!!
✿~ Benjamin Franklin: Ehem..ehem..Who's discover Electricity?
✿~ Allah : Well,well. I created all of you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011 allyn pun mau buat giveaway sama follower n reader dia...:)

bahh..mau dekat suda dihh cuti saya..tapi sebelum cuti saya ada exam owh...nanti sblum sy balik sy stay2 dlu di sini ada la masa sy cari2 hadiah kan...

hari ni sy tefikir bah tu, sepa2 yang selalu datang jenguk2 si allyn sini pigi baca dia punya entry2 yang kadang2 panjang lebar la aa..banyak bah di kepala..rsa mcm mau rekod semua di blog..:D so, kepada siapa2 yang accidentally nampak ini entry..kalau berminat cuba lah nasib bah..:D hehe

tapiiii...ada sy mau minta tolong kamu buat sbelum dapat itu giveaway saya...hee~
simple seja tida tia minta kamu like2 page sy d FB ka or jadi follower saya...
buli kasitau kamu dari mana, apa pengalaman kamu waktu kicik2 sampai besar ka, apa yang inspired kamu kah..heee~ atau kalau ada cerita yang sedih2 yang kamu mau share pun bulih... kalau mau reka2 pun bulih..tapi kalau real story lagi siok bah kan.. bahhh jommmm ikut..:)

bulih tag sepa2 kawan blogger kamu juga..:) bahasa, apa2 pun boleh yang penting si allyn boleh baca aa... :)

apa hadiah dia?? uitt...tapi tidak lah hebat2 macam org lain bah...erm..hadiah surprise lah bah aa..nanti kalau suda announce pemenang baru sy bagi...boleh bah kann..^^ yang penting hadiah dia SPECIAL DARI ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA... nahhh...marih lah join..^^

tarikh tutup..: sampai 31 Okt 2011
so lamaa lagi, bulih pikir2 apa kamu mau tulis.. :)
pas tu, kalau suda siap mengarang, pigi report sama saya yang kamu suda buat tu entry,leave ur comments sini bawah ni entry..kasi tinggal la link kamu juga aa... supaya senang sy pigi cek satu2...

selamat mencuba! :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

wattpad-the best place to discover and share story

sy mau promoti ni siteeee~~~ siokkkk...p kama kamu cek2 nih..hha... siok maun baca2 kalau kamu boring2..
sy book lover so kalau kamu macam saya...p la tingu2 bah...hhe..

just click here.. : wattpad

yiihaaaaa..... Happy Reading!!

my new Fb! :D

Facebook’s new Timeline: 12 cool features

somethinng different right?
why don't you try it as well..
just click here : new FB

its your choice, so before you opt to change ur fb, think first! :)

happy trying! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2 weeks! outing to Yaringa Alpacas at Currency Creek in South Australia

oh my..its been two weeks already~ quite sometime i guess..
its my mid sem break for two weeks time. so far, i don 't have any interesting plan to do for the holiday. maybe i'll just stay at home and finish up all my assignment, and prepare for my presentation and coming final exam.
but last week, i've been to Apalca Farm! it was a great day for me. i feel bonded towards Queen Province. who is she?? lets scroll down and read my story on that day.

click here to know more! : Yaringa Alpacas

On 24th of Sept, my church friends and  I went to Apalca Farm owned by one of our church members in Trinity Church. The place was located near Victor Harbour. The journey takes about one hour and a half to get there. Upon arriving there, we met with one of Michael's horse. Michael is Susan's brother, she was the owner of the farm. They were very generous to us, providing the lunch and free tour of the farm. I'm so glad to met the animals there. Especially the Alpaca!

 Michael introduce us to his horse. But he said the horse is not fit for riding because of the curve on its back. Its quite obvious i think. There is another black stallion near us but i couldn't take his picture because he keep running around as the kids were excitingly chasing after him just to have a pet over his silk black skin.

Introducing you the Alpaca! These three Alpaca had won many awards for the best female and male Alpaca. Susan told us that Alpaca is from South America. Could be found in Peru, Chile..etc
Susan told us that to decide what is the criteria of a high quality Alpaca is to look at their wools. it might look dirty outside. but when we open the wool, and look inside they are white!!and very very clean! and the more dense the wool is the higher the quality of the wools. they wools is just where our fleece comes from. aren't they cozy! and warm too! i have one in my room. glad to have them especially during winter! :)
The middle Alpaca is the daddy, the son is the brown one. I forgot their names already. And that's what I found quite interesting. All of the Alpaca has their own names. And each of them has their own stories on how they've got their names.
 His weight is about 80 kg! 
some info from Wikipedia:  Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, alpacas were not bred to be beasts of burden but were bred specifically for their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted and woven items, similar to wool. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles and ponchos in South America, and sweaters, socks, coats and bedding in other parts of the world.
 Believe me the fur is so soft you feel like you want to cuddle the Alpaca. This female Alpaca had won many awards for the best quality of wool.

 They did look cute from behind aren't they. They look like a sheep right?? but no, they are from camels family! not breed from giraffe and sheep..hha

 Susan told us that Alpaca is very useful to the farmers. Alpacas could help to herd the sheep. They hate fox and they do kills fox. They will jump over the fox and kill them by trample down the fox again and again using their legs and weights. That is why, Alpaca does not go along very well with dogs!
 Owh ya, Alpacas do fights! what do you think what guys fight for?! hha, and they fight using their neck. they wrestle their neck with each other. but they do gather together as well. they feel safe being in a group. and amazingly, when they sniff each other and put their forehead together, means they trust each others. sometime the younger Alpacas tend to stay close with the older Alpacas.
 Most of them won awards too. These group is the best Alpaca!

Ok,enough for the tour. Before we continue our hunts around the farm, we went back to the first stop. We're having our lunch! Thanks to Michael and Susan's family for their generosity to provide us lunch.

 Yummy isn't it? Owh, sadly i forgot to take picture of my dessert! I have an ice cream!

 After the lunch, Bernie share short bible talks with us. :) its about how our life outside the range of God, and when we lives within God's perimeter.
 i like this view. oh, maybe i forgot to mention this..but Australia's skies is sooo bluee that you want to stare them until your eyes get hurt. but you feel so calm as if the skies calm you. you feel so peeaceful, you feel like want to lay on the grass and watch over the skies.. too much! lol

This is Queen Province. Susan told me that QP is very special. when i ask why, she said that QP was born 3months after her mother died in an accident. at first i was confused. But Susan explained to me that QP's mother is one of the Farm's best female Alpaca. She got pregnant, they take her ovum and placed it into another Alpaca. Amazingly, they are twins. QP has a twin sister. But she was in another barn, for she is going to a show next week, so Susan did not want her fur to be too dirty and to be ready for the show. Because, from what i've seen this Alpaca likes to play with the dirt, like the cats or dogs playing on the grass.. its a nice view though.

Michael asked us to catch them in pairs. We had to catch one males and females according to their colours. Its not that difficult to determine which is male and female. All you have to do is to look on their ears. Female had a gold pins on the right ear and male on the left ear. And to remember this is simple. Just remember that female are always right! hha..
Well, QP is just so adorable.  I have the chance to catch the Alpacas. And i've learnt that to catch the Alpacas, we had to catch them by aiming their necks. Yes go for the necks! kinda like hugging them on the neck i guess. At first QP is quite stubborn. And actually she had a cream colour behind those brown wools on top of her body. And it was a wonderful experience feeling when she trust you as she lean on you as you walk together with her.

Owshh, i feel like i was hugging a big teddy bear!

Well, after all the wonderful experience, finally we all went back to Adelaide. I fell asleep on the way back home. I felt wonderful.
1st because i finally able to join the Trinity's activity,
2nd i met new friends, Phang from Ipoh, Perak and Ivy from KL, with Louis their son. Ivy is 4months pregnant, she's going to do the scan next month. Praise the Lord for the good news..:) and i met Melissa doing her phd in microbiology, on pneumonia. She's from Malaysia as well but had migrated to New Zealand when she was still small. :) met one Sabahan fellow but forgot her name. Met many new friend, but that's all i could remember..:( owha ya met Diana from South America, doing phD.
3rd,because i could see all the great God's creation. how grateful i am. to see all the beautiful scenery along the journey.
4th is to have fellowship with others
and above all..i don't know why but i feel contented with how God works with my life. i feel like i want to give more.. :)

well..i think that's the story of my last weekend. i'm looking forward to my next excursion. until then, i hope all the readers take care of yourself! and i hope you enjoy reading! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Malaysian Carnival

     On the 11 Sept 2011, Malaysian Carnival was held here in Adelaide at the Victoria Square, the heart of South Australia City. The place was chosen mainly because of the strategic place and easy to access. I enjoy the event very much, and i eat a lot too..the event was to brought back bits of Malaysian Culture to Adelaide to promote what Malaysia culture is.

one word.. awesomeness!!

i enjoy the event very much. there are many food stalls selling Malaysian cuisine. And the best part is, Malaysian Celebrity Chef, Datuk Chef Wan was exclusively invited down here to do demonstrate how Malaysian cuisine was prepared. and the food is...superb! he said, it was the most delicious food,,mainly was free!! indeed Mr. Chef Wan!
and he's damn funny..everyone laugh heartily coz he was making joke endlessly...and you know when he seem unstoppable. but his humor keep everyone happy..:)

other than that, we're giving out many performances for those who come to watch and enjoy. To feel and see what Malaysian culture is about.
indeed it was a busy day, but all the sacrifices for a month was fully paid! :) everyone who participate in this event give the best as they could.

For me, the best part of this event is..i meet the Sabahan people down here! it has been planned actually, we know each other through facebook group.
new friends..Fizul,Charles,Kak Anita n her husband, Khalisa(Sydney),Shahirah and cute Yasmin!

actually kak anita brought her whole family but her eldest son was taking this picture while Rohan,her second child is playing near us. what a great moment! and i miss Yasmin so much!she's sooo adorable. we're planning to do second meet up. and i can't wait to see the whole family again!

before i closed this entry tonight, lets have a look at more picture!

inang dancer

hornbill dancer

 mock Malay wedding
 Zapin dancer
Ngajat dancer

stage view

umbrella dancer

endang dancer

there are lots more but i'll update them soon.. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

yeay..its spring!!

no more bleeding nose and getting into the sleeping bag 24/7!!
yahoo.. so relieved.. winter say good bye, and spring is saying hi!! :)

and its Hari Raya soon! tomorrow! :)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends.. May God bless u all..:)

owh..springgggggg... :) i'm so glad...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

DiGi Dear Malaysians: Official Video

i found this youtube video from my friend: miss onell
so as my response for Malaysia..i re-blog it..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

diff ppl have diff walk..

and all of them mesmerize me in a way that lit up a smile on my face and even makes me cry..
God is just so great ..
He know each and everyone of us..

i just watch Marcelito Po Moy's video in youtube..
he's talented.
He can sing in a woman n men voices.. :) <3
and watch several other videos.. :)
that's it for today..
slep time.. with a smile tugged my heart.. ^^

Thursday, August 11, 2011

hello mum..

i know i'll never understand what's her feeling right now. coz i am not a mother. no yet.
but i'm sure i will. and hopefully i am strong enough just like how strong she is to support dad and the whole family.
i know she sounds sad just now. i gave her a call. its been 2week already. i'm sorry i've been busy. it's not because i wouldn't call, it's just that i'll feel sad after calling her,when i asked about how things going at home,and are they eating well,are they sick or not, are they ok or not..
i knew mum is upset,because of "the problem". i dont know when this problem will stop. or at least heal..if i could put it that way.
i admit, that i hate it. i hate when i know my mum is sad. and i don't know what to do. i'm just so far away.
but i'm glad. my dad is super cool. love you dad! he's the calmest person i've ever met. he'll lost his temper once in a while. and that really scares me. i'll shrink if he ever get mad at me. that's the problem when he sometimes keep quiet. hopefully he'll not explode this tyme. but i know dad is always the rational one. he'll not let emotion takes place. well not all the time. but when it comes to "the problem", he's the coolest dad ever! Thanks God, i knew he went through a lot, struggling with You. that is why i'll admit that i'll never knew a man's heart. but i could guess or at least feel their heart by trying to put my self in their shoes.

i know,i couldn't cheer you up right now mum. i really want to talk you about everything here. but another time maybe? i'll pray..that God will keep us all.. go through this all together. in the mean time, hope everyone is taking care of themselves. i'll come home. soon. and i hope things will get better.

God i don't know what is Your plan in this "problem"..but i have faith in You that You want to show us something,something that we might have forgotten all this while. i now realise that time fly so fast, it's difficult to stay, thus i have to move on.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

dance!dance!dance! :)

'Datun Julud' by Kumpulan Kesenian JKKN Ibu Pejabat

our upcoming event here in Adelaide is Malaysian Carnival. will be held on 11sept.
this year,the programs would be more or less the same like last year. to have the chance to join this event give me a new refreshing commitments.
other than study,i would like to expand my circle of friends and to challenge my self more.

the video above is one of the dance that we'll perform on the Malaysian Carnival.
i never actually dance the Hornbill dance, as it is one of the Sarawak cultural dance. but i'm glad to have the opportunity to join my friend to perform !

as this is one of the effort to promote Malaysia to the Adelaideians, even if it might hold the smaller picture of it, i hope the local people will enjoy and know more about our country!
apart form this dance, there will be other type of dance. joget,zapin,indian dance to name few of them.
i'm looking forward for the day.

a bit tired during the practice today, but feel happy when my friends are enjoying themselves too. at least we are enjoying ourselves. :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


Change is Inevitable
Change is Inevitable - Quotes - Pictures

miss my friends..:)

salam sayang tuk kawan2 saya.. :)

sesungguhnya saya menangis...

nota bacaan: persoal kesetiaan,mahu dikaji semula?

bukan sbap sy cengeng..atau bugihad *org dusun bilang utk org yg suka nangis*
mungkin sy lambat sikit tau berita ni. tapi yg pnting skrg sy tau dan sy tidak la spt katak di bawah tempurung.
kerana kasih saya buat Malaysia sy nangis.
sbp sy menghargai kesempatan yg Tuhan bagi utk hidup di Malaysia.
ramai org Malaysia yg pernah tnggal d luar negara,ada yg sebap sambung study,ada yang bekerja,ada yg berhijrah,melancong..etcetc..
dan ssnguhnya tiada tempat sebaik Tanah Air sendiri. wlaupun di mana bumi dipijak disitulangit dijunjung,tapi hujan emas di negara org hujan batu di negara sendiri juga bah.

wlpun mngkin isu ni agak sensitif,sy tia rasa marah or benci. tapi sy terkilan.
kenapa sekarang baru mau ungkit pasal ni rasa skrg hak bersama yang suda dinyatakan dlm perlembagaan suda ckup jelas. knapa mau guna agama seolah2 mau menangkan satu pihak. sesungguhnya sy hormat semua agama di Malaysia. dan sepatutnya semua warga Malaysia juga harus saling menghormati. ya,ruang untuk mengongsikan ajaran agama kita itu boleh saja.ruang terbuka luas.kerana setiap orang mempunyai pilihan dan boleh membuat pilihan. tapi hak itu pun sepertinya sudah diviolate.
janganlah disebabkan agama,kita jdikan alasan untuk putarbelitkan tentang hak.
sy sendiri sudah rasa sangat bersyukur n berterima kasih sebap setakat ni,hak kita semua sama rata. mungkin ada juga yang berat sebelah atau rasa ketidak adilan..tapi janganlah krana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga.jganlah kerana sedikit tidak puas hati,we ruin the big picture. apabila kenyataan itu dikeluarkan,adakah pendapat semua orang sudah diambil kira?? mungkin saja ada yang tidak sependapat dengan kenyataan itu. dan kalau ada pun yang setuju..sudahkah kita berfikir secara logik,dengan mengmbil keputusan berdasarkan alasan dan bukti yang nyata??  hal yang kita boleh bawa bincang and runding baik2,kenapa tidak selesaikan melalui wadah yang lebih harmoni. tidak perlu kita warwarkan hal ini dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang boleh mengguriskan hati pihak2 yang berkaitan.

"Criticism is necessary and useful; it is often indispensable; but it can never take the place of action, or be even a poor substitute for it. The function of the mere critic is of very subordinate usefulness. It is the doer of deeds who actually counts in the battle for life, and not the man who looks on and says how the fight ought to be fought, without himself sharing the stress and the danger." (1894)

ya,bagus juga kalau ada keterbukaan. salah satu human rights adalah freedom of speech dan freedom of expression. dan kerana keterbukaan adalah salah satu permulaan untuk satu pemulihan. kalau mau dikaji semula silakan. tapi janganlah kerana disebabkan oleh alasan2 yang mempunya dasar yang tidak jelas. dan salah satu lagi human rights juga adalah the rights to have rights.

apa kata pejuang human rights???

"If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain."
-Emily Dickinson

ingat lah org yang menghakimi orang lain dengan ukurannya sendiri, ukuran itu akan dipakaikan juga kepada dirinya sendiri. adalah lebih baik kita berjuang untuk keharmonian daripada memecahbelahkan satu bangsa yang berdaulat,di bawah satu payung negara.

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction of any kind, such as race, creed, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person."
—Principle 1, ICPD Programme of Action

marilah kita sama-sama tanamkan nilai rasa bersyukur. Waktu join Biro Tata Negara dulu,baru saya tahu yang permulaan sebuah negara itu adalah negara itu sendiri,tanah yang kita pijak,bukan bermula dari politik,agama,ekonomi atau education. 
lagipun kan Pada mulanya Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. jadi kenapa kita tidak jaga negara kita bagus2..
trus lemah semangat saya mau cakap 1Malaysia kalau hal2 seperti ini terjadi. 
Sesungguhnya,kami sangat rasa bersyukur. Dan mengucapkan terima kasih. Kami pun selalu berdoa untuk negara kita Malaysia,baik untuk pemimpin supaya ada hikmat utk meneraju kerajaan,juga berdoa untuk negara baik dari segi politik,ekonomi dan sosial.

Mana sudah semangat satu bangsa macam waktu Merdeka dulu? saya yang naif tentang makna perjuangan kadang2 mau juga rasa tu semangat satu bangsa macam yang saya belajar tentang kemerdekaan di sekolah dulu..

mari kita renungkan...

letter to student..:) a letter that inspires me!

by my sir: a letter during my foundation..last year..its good to read them remind me.. :)

It's the 2nd of March, and so far, I have received only one book review.
How's the reading program getting on? I understand that you are facing
lots of test, assignments and projects. And each of them contribute
towards the final internal assessment. Some are also struggling with the
English language proficiency.

My friend, a female lecturer, once said that 'the job of a lecturer is
design to be hated'. You see, during holidays, lecturers will spent hours
to think of ways and methods on how best to torture our students. The PE
and reading program are designed to crunch and torture your minds and
body. Kekeke...

You see, we cannot train and foster ourselves if everything is arrange
neatly. That our problem arrive one at a time. And life always has this
sense of humor that when shit strikes, it strikes from every angles, at
the same time. Thus, we cannot fight the problems that life throws at us
if we do not train ourselves now. And for people who are overcome by
life's difficulties, they will lead sad and miserable life of a failure.

You have two options. You may ignore the PE and reading program, and
participate ONLY when you have the time (which means never), or you can
fight to make full use of every minute from today onwards and push
yourselves to the limit, participate in everything design by your
lecturers. Stop complaining and stop whinning. Grit your teeth and say
-'Is that all you've got? C'mon, bring it on!'

Once, I was a teenager also, and like you (i think) my time management and
self-discipline was terrible. My daily bath last about 45 mins to an hour,
and I waste hours away doing nothing. Then, when I was in form 6, I took
up a leadership position in the Brass Band, taking charge of weekly
practices program and also the welfare of more than 30 band members.

It was madness as I just couldn't find enough time to fulfil all the
responsibilities. Then, a senior taught me to reorganise and reflect on my
time management. That's how I raise my productivity by increasing my
efficiency in routine task - like bath time cut to 5 minutes, and be more
focus and effective in my study.

All the minutes I saved, I used it to practise on my instrument, plan and
prepare for band practices (which include motivation, drills, music
theory, sectional and combine music sessions, review and planning
meetings, etc.)

Well, this is a challenge. My challenge to you. If you just focus on your
study and get good grades, then, you are a good student, nothing
extraordinary. If you do all that, PLUS the PE and reading program, then,
you are an excellent student. Your choice.

The thing is, most people will choose the easier path, the path of least
resistance. But then, if you do that, you will never grow into a truly
capable leader with strong character who can make a significant positive
difference to society.

Youth is a time for construction. Youth is the time to build a really
solid foundation. In other words, youth is a time to suffer. Trees inside
a glass house, protected from strong winds and rain, will never grow into
majestic, solid trees. A little wind is enough to uproot the entire tree.

This I can promise you - If you push yourself really hard for the next
five years, all the efforts and struggles, pain and sweat, tears and
blood, will become the most precious memories and also the greatest
treasure you can have when you grow old.

It is not an exaggeration to say that how your entire life will turn out
to be will determine by what you decide to do, or not do, during your

When you are in your forties, you will look back, and understand how
important these trainings are, and how lucky you are to be able to train
yourself when you are young.

p/s: Thank you sir!!! :)) 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the real me: i like to eat icecream

ahh,,,delicious... :))
ice cream will do,
to cheer me up..^^
i'll never resist if someone give me.. :)

choc mint pun sdap,VANILLA,choc,strawbery,rainbow,TROPICANA,,
apa2 ja .. :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


i just realised that i'm being too emotional yg dulu.. bila sy reasoned2 balik..aduyaii..
pilihan sy silap bah. abis sy choose tuk emo2.padahal,sy boleh pilih utk rsa gembira n be positive.

when i look at other people yg prnh mnhdpi situasi yg sama dg sy,bru sy sedar..
"owhh..begitu pula saya dulu"..
tapi nda la sy mnyesal. sy rsa sngt2 brsyukur sbp Tuhan bagi peluang utk sy lalui semua tu..
semuaa ini la..
terima kasih..:)

i'm looking forward to go uni esok!!:) yeahh..
take care semua..God bless...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

economist and anthropologist to be ..

Me:Hi everyone,my name is Rosa. i'm from Malaysia,Sabah.
Tutor: They don't know where Sabah is. Geography is important. Could you explain where Sabah is?
Me: Owh, sorry.. Sabah is one of the state in West Malaysia, it is popularly called as Borneo,the land below the wind..(promote skit)..:)
i'm doing Bach.of Arts,my background in economic is,i've done Micro last semester,and did my econs in Year 12.
Tutor: In M'sia?
Me:~yess..(yes,hope you didn't misunderstood.coz if i told you i took AUSMAT,you probably didn't know what's that).
something bout me? urm..i play guitar.. :)
five years from now, i hope that i've finish my degree,working for my government and became a lecturer. :)
Tutor: wonderful!!(clap,clap!) do you want to be like me?? ahh,finally i found someone who had same interest like me..
Me: (smilee)

well you see, that is what actually happen during my first week of second sem in Macro tutorial. The brief intro session that my tutor asked us to do, tell me more about my tutemate,indeed all of them had interesting stories and background!. and what an encouraging moment when my tutor said that "i am happy you would like to work with government and also do teaching.well,its good!i know it is. cuz i've been doing that for 21years!plus you could earn more salary!"~ and my response is...its mainly because 1. my responsibility to work with government. 2. my passion :)
listening to his own background in economics astound me more. He is more than what it takes to look at him. *he looks genius* hha..
anyway,he told us that he has been living in 7 different countries and 15 states all his life. and he's not a person who gets culture shock easily. :) i smiled for that statement. as i reflect my self for that moment,i am not that kind of person too. but when i recall the journey of my ownself,i realised that i am wrong. Last two years when i continued my study at KBU for foundation,i actually caught into the 'culture shock' confusion during my first two months there. but the feeling gradually dissapear as i get to know more people and start socialising more. *socialising skills is very important.*
there are times that you are afraid to approach people. cuz you are afraid of rejection *tidak kena layan*
but why not give it a try. people are different from each other. the way they approach people may be different as in their culture or the normality they had are different from us. but one thing for sure human is a social-able living. we live by socialising with each other. we need human contact. imagine if we are the only person in this world. that must be lonesome. imagine if we are all alone in the uni. that must be frustrating.

first sem teach me alot. they've change me and they've stimulate a new understanding about things around me.
its not simple. its complex. unexplainable.
one word. GRATITUDE.
yup,second sem offers me so many hopes. hopes to exploit more what uni life could offer me.
i've decided majoring in economics. and do development study. but anthropology caught my attention during the first lecture in my first week of second sem!
awesome. i've heard somewhere that anthro is quite difficult subject. that is why i tried to put away the subject the moment i started my first sem. less i know that it is actually interesting!
indeed i've seen and i've heard about anthropology since i was in my highschool. hoping someday i could actually study this course. and here i am! taking anthropology! :)

2 intro question in the reading materials:
~why taking this subject?
cuz i found that it is interesting long ago. but never had a chance to know more. now when there is a chance,i better grab it.
~what do you thing anthropology could do?
as i learn more about the discipline of anthropology, i hope that i would be able to applied it not only in my everyday life but in the future where it is needed.

economics on the other hand, has been my fav subject since foundation. i admit that i don't know what is it all about. but it is so frustrating when i don't understand what the newspaper says about interest rates,monetary policy,global recession,saying that it'll impact our everyday life. it is so frustrating when i don't understand why the graphs looks like that..and because of that,i hope that when i learn about economics, not only i am able to understand what are they talking about the economics of the world, but is able to apply what i've learn into something useful for my country..Sabah would be wonderful if i could actually interpret the data displayed and do my own assumption and models and theories.

today my lecturer said,
"if you want to be a professional economist,you need to read a lot of good books" just like what Mr. Wong had said to me during foundation.
Now everything makes senses.
I should not be afraid of making mistakes. I am a student. Mistakes is a complement to me where we exist together. Not a substitute. But eventually, i'll learn on how to make the best out of it. :)
in the mean time, i want to enjoy my learning here!
thanks God for everything! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

second semester!!

hoorayyy!! finally second semester is starting already.
today i went to church. meet the couples who always sit in front of me. have a chit-chat for a while before goin back. asking bout their holiday during winter. they've been to west coast of aussie. didn't really caught up which place they've been for the holiday. but sounds nice. they said it was raining most of the day but its nice they're able to sit and relax inside the cottage and read lotslotslots of books.. :D
how cute they are. may God bless them always..

and my holiday..? yes they're awesome.

and is over. press-on new sem! :)

this sem,i'm taking four subject.
All iz well! :)

i'll do the best as i can!
and i need God to hang on here. :) the meantime,adioss..!! :) <3