today is my second last paper..which is accounting.. and i had a problem to concentrate during the exam because i had stomach upset. well i eat fried noodle as my breakfast and i think my stomach upset is due to the teh ice..hha! serve me right!
well, i tried to attempt those question..but believe me,you could not waste any sec of ur answering time.
well at the end of the paper, i feel sad coz i think i could do more if i had enough time..well i guess everyone do had enough time. its just that maybe because i am slow in numbers?haha..
anyway, some of my class mate finish their exam today because they were not taking computer science.. which happen to be on next thursday. so cs will be my last battle for AUSMAT. hopefully i could do it. coz this year will be much more different then the previous year punya question..
have to read additional notes though. and some are confusing coz new tips and new format. huh..nevermind lorr...
okay laa..thats all from me today..
hows ur day today?hope everything goes well..ok la..take care all... God bless...^^
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
falling in Love..:)
wow just now,on facebook..i am commenting on other people status.. i didn't know her, but i often see her updating her status..i think she's the most active offense ok..maybe that is how she express her thought..we have freedom to express rite..:)
got this question from my fb friend..^^ here it goes..
she: Is it possible to fall in love so fast?
me: possible..^^ i think fall in love might not be the most suitable words to crush so fast??hha!that wud be very possible..wat do u think??:)
she: haha,i think its very2 possible, u ever experience about dat?i mean,fall in love so fast.
me: hha!fall in love?ouch!>.< hhe..seriously r u asking me?hhe~ erm..i guess i do..huahua!
she: u mean u fall in love so fast?haha,hmm,i should believe dis..huhu.
me: do u believe at love first sight??i think u shud coz it really happens..but doesn't mean such love will owez have a hepy ending.. if u've been in love n 'was' in a rltnshp b4..dnt worry..its just another story in ur life..if another love story come to the doorstep of ur life,y not give it a try n open ur heart..^^>lols,i write toO much!<haha!
she: haha...i ever in a relationship be4..but it's possible 2 me to fall in love so fast,cz i ever hurt be4 dis..i'm afraid to fall in love again..huhu..lolx..why me so emo?wkwkkw
me: hha!its ok 2 be emo..sumtyme me toO wat..better to express than keep it insde..if not later u'll explode..hha!erm,just relax.if ure not ready,den its ok..evrything will epen perfectly on its own time..coz love will find the way..:)
Make Love Letters at
Make Love Letters at
for me, LOVE is so sacred.. it is something that had a lot of interpretation..sometime its even hard to describe..even words and action can' is so powerful until the impact can be damaging or constructing.. Love can be motivating at a time but also can cause a traumatic experience for some people..
BREAK is closely link to love.. there is a quote saying that if U FALL IN LOVE,BE READY FOR BROKEN HEART..
most people fantasized a romeo and Juliet love story.. love at first sight, head over heels in love..etc..etc.. its what everyone hoped and dream for..
some even feel sad or insecure if they don't have couples.. worried about the future and keep worrying if nobody will ever fall in love for them, some are eager to find their true love, and some even wanted to hide themselves and shut their life from falling in love..what is that all about??
why be afraid of falling in love? believe me,when the time comes,you couldn't do anything about that what u afraid off??u're afraid of losing ur self..all the sensibility that u had before?
i know the feeling,it makes u feel sick.. but if we never try it, we'll never learn,, its how we grow up..and couples,even if u had a fight,don't blame each other,be open and have a heart of accepting and forgiving.. even though the relationship didn't last 4ever,and u had a breakup,take the good things and learn from the bad things..if u fail in relationship,doesn't mean that u r a looser..actually u r brave enuf to let go and dats good.. just take it as a lesson in ur life..
and if u think dat u wanna fight for ur love and wish too end with marriage, if u had a heart for it, and u sincerely want to keep the relationship, surrender everything in God's hand..and u will be blessed.. u will hve the courage to fight till the end..
for those who still searching and waiting, and those who want to feel how it is to fall in patience..if u believe that everything will happen perfectly on its own time.. u'll see that it is far more better than u imagine.. just wait..and along the waiting time..keep praying in God..even though ure young or old, in God, there is nothing toO early and toO late.. don't keep demanding God. u want this u want that. u have to have faith and let God do the rest for u. besides God will give u exactly someone who you need rather that what u want. coz God knows u more than we think we know about our self.. and His gift is better than what we asked for.
be ready for Love...wen the time comes,open ur heart and appreciate it..
if u 'was' in a relationship,don't worry,it will be better in time. God will heal ur wounded heart. be strong in Him..
if u're in love..:) well,give thanks with a grateful heart,and the best way to make sure ur relationship goes well, invite God to go along with ur couples,ask Him to take care of ur relationship. When God bless both of u, He'll keep His promise, that.."they no longer two,but become one"
God bless!!:)
in life there are things that we couldn't erase..something that we couldn't forget..but we're trying so hard to forget about it..and stop thinking about it..
memories..things that happen in the past..and often we couldn't disengaged ourself from it.. because past and future links together...

Photo Tinks by
memories..things that happen in the past..and often we couldn't disengaged ourself from it.. because past and future links together...
Photo Tinks by
Friday, November 12, 2010
i saw baby bird on the road today...
as i walk alone from college to my house this evening..i didn't feel tired at all even though the journey take almost 20mins..the weather is so nice and it is not that hot like usual..maybe God knows i am going to walk back tis evening..thanks God!
do you know what happen today? today i go to college alone.. my other friend is not coming..but other friends from other student house join me..yay!i got friends.
another thing is..i like my journey today..i enjoy my walks because i ca think! and guess what.. i saw baby bird on the road chirping loudly as i walk by under a big tree.. i guess the baby bird is learning to fly but fall from the nest. at first i want to leave it alone but suddenly the mama bird fly above my head..i think mama bird thought that i was going to harm her baby. well,she stopped me. so i go back to baby bird and take it on my palm..she's should i know its a baby girl or baby boy? baby bird is sooo cute!
so i take baby bird and put it on the road least the baby bird is not on the road. if not for sure the drivers wont see baby bird who helplessly still couldn't fly. i guess baby bird is terribly confused and afraid right now.
i think mama bird could take care of her baby. i really hope so. i tried to find their nest but i couldn't see it. maybe it is high up on the tree.. if i saw it,maybe i could climb the tree but when i see the looks from the people at the neighborhood..i don't want them to be suspicious about me. especially a girl who climb a tree. of coz i wouldn't let it happen. so i left the baby bird under the tree and continue my walks.
hrm,this incident reminds me of my mom. i don.t know why. maybe because it happens that i saw mama bird and her baby.. baby bird is helplessly still finding its way to fly its wings while mama bird is worried baby bird will be stuck down on the road. anytime the wild cats could catch her baby and eat it alive!!
owh God! i hope God will take care of the baby bird..
well,here i am in my room writing for the new entry. today my story is about baby bird and mama bird. i think my mom would be in the same situation like mama bird if something happen to me. she must be worried. that is why i myself have to take care of my self especially we were miles apart.. and i do hope mum will not worried about me much as i will take care of my self. beside i am learning to be an independent person...:)
well i think that is the end of my story today..until next time.daaa~~^^
do you know what happen today? today i go to college alone.. my other friend is not coming..but other friends from other student house join me..yay!i got friends.
another thing is..i like my journey today..i enjoy my walks because i ca think! and guess what.. i saw baby bird on the road chirping loudly as i walk by under a big tree.. i guess the baby bird is learning to fly but fall from the nest. at first i want to leave it alone but suddenly the mama bird fly above my head..i think mama bird thought that i was going to harm her baby. well,she stopped me. so i go back to baby bird and take it on my palm..she's should i know its a baby girl or baby boy? baby bird is sooo cute!
so i take baby bird and put it on the road least the baby bird is not on the road. if not for sure the drivers wont see baby bird who helplessly still couldn't fly. i guess baby bird is terribly confused and afraid right now.
i think mama bird could take care of her baby. i really hope so. i tried to find their nest but i couldn't see it. maybe it is high up on the tree.. if i saw it,maybe i could climb the tree but when i see the looks from the people at the neighborhood..i don't want them to be suspicious about me. especially a girl who climb a tree. of coz i wouldn't let it happen. so i left the baby bird under the tree and continue my walks.
hrm,this incident reminds me of my mom. i don.t know why. maybe because it happens that i saw mama bird and her baby.. baby bird is helplessly still finding its way to fly its wings while mama bird is worried baby bird will be stuck down on the road. anytime the wild cats could catch her baby and eat it alive!!
owh God! i hope God will take care of the baby bird..
well,here i am in my room writing for the new entry. today my story is about baby bird and mama bird. i think my mom would be in the same situation like mama bird if something happen to me. she must be worried. that is why i myself have to take care of my self especially we were miles apart.. and i do hope mum will not worried about me much as i will take care of my self. beside i am learning to be an independent person...:)
well i think that is the end of my story today..until next time.daaa~~^^
under construction..
i am re-doing my blog for now..i revert it to classic template for a while..i want to upgrade it but seems to be no particular nice template for my blog rite now..
this one is ok for now..simple.. and its pink!! omG!!i didn't know pink had soft spot on me..last time i do like pink but pink wud be my third or 4th choice but today it become my first!!wahaha...
new things for me..LOL..
p/s its black now...huu~
this one is ok for now..simple.. and its pink!! omG!!i didn't know pink had soft spot on me..last time i do like pink but pink wud be my third or 4th choice but today it become my first!!wahaha...
new things for me..LOL..
p/s its black now...huu~
Five Main Causes Of Stress..reading..
most of us lived in a stressed life..sometime we didnt know why we feel upset quickly and often snap at people..especially if we're tired.. and often it makes us feel are some research about stress...
for me,if we know the core problem,it will be easir to solve..thus we could have a free stress life..have more enjoyable day and become happier person..
this is what i got from my reading..:
for me,if we know the core problem,it will be easir to solve..thus we could have a free stress life..have more enjoyable day and become happier person..
this is what i got from my reading..:
Stress is the reason for two thirds of the total visits to the Physician. It is also the leading cause of the coronary artery diseases, cancer, accidents and respiratory diseases besides some others.
Stress aggravates following illnesses: Hypertension, insomnia, diabetes, herpes, multiple sclerosis, etc. Besides, stress that continues for long periods of time can lead to: poor concentration, irritability, anger, and poor judgment.
Stress leads to marriage breakups, family fights, road rage, suicides and violence.
What are the biggest causes of present day stress, and how do these lead to such high levels of tension?
From the studies conducted by Holmes and Rahe, and also other studies that have been conducted from time to time, it seems that following are the biggest causes of present day stress levels in modern societies:
1. Financial Problems – This is the number one source of stress these days. You and your family are not be able to do what you want to due to lack of money. Debts are piling up. Credit Card payments, pending mortgage installments, rising costs of education, mounting expenditure on health concerns. Financial matters top the list of stressors.
2. Workplace Stress –You may be worried about your next promotion. You might be facing the negative or bullying behavior of your boss. You might not be reaching your well-deserved career goals; you might be worried due to office politics. You might be stressed about some major change that is taking place in the organization, or, you might be under stress because of the prospect of losing your job.
3. Personal Relationships – Studies of children, attitude of relatives, arguments with spouse or children, change of place due to requirements of your job, illness of a family member, moving in of parents or moving out of elder children are all main causes of stress.
4. Health – Heart diseases, hypertension, problems with eye sight and sugar afflict many people becoming a major cause of life stress for them. Maintaining good health, reducing weight, increasing weight, being able to lead a healthy life-style: all of these and a few more are the main causes of stress due to health concerns.
5. Irritants –annoyances and irritations that you encounter in your daily lives which go on to become biggest sources of stress for you. Problems in commuting to workplace, balance of work and family life, PTMs at children’s schools, workload, visit to doctor, not enough sleep, no time to relax, no time to discuss some nagging problems – who is not aware of these stresses and strains of our lives? You fight with them every day.
so.. Develop resilience and never let stress get you down.
and yes,there are actually lots of way that we could do to avoid from a stressed life..we should savour the stress lead to a better living..^^
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