Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012: new hope, new insight

This year I hope I am stronger than last year. I hope I could overcome my fear of being a stranger in a new place. What I’ve been through last year, taught me a lot.
To give thanks in every situation, always remember that God is in control, I do not have to be afraid of anything because God is with me. I realized that, everytime I am down, God always has His own ways to cheer me up. Thank God for everything.


Scared and uncertainty are the most fearful feeling I felt last year. Countless night of praying and crying. I felt so small, almost nothing but a dust on air. My life was like a dandelion, flying wherever the wind blows. I felt so broken to a point where the feeling is like being stranded on a sea of strange desert, where I saw nothing but a dull, brown desert.

My heart cried.

My heart was crying for help whom I don’t know to whom. I longed for someone who I can talk to, a shoulder to cry on and a companion who can give me wise advise. Because of that feeling, I began to put a wall around me, keeping distance from anyone who tried to pull me out. I tried to swim out from the confusion, but eventually I drowned, again and again.

Overwhelming feeling

In my life, there is no reason for me not to believe, or pretend to be blind how God’s love works. Everything, yes everything I have, I see or experiencing are God’s gift. I am more than grateful. But truly I said, to work out our own salvation is not easy. I have to carry my own cross. For that, all the pain, the tears, the hurt, the hardship, the struggle, the joy and happiness..are worth to experience. I don’t know what is the most memorable moments in my lifetime. But I can name a few.  
On my 20th the most overwhelming feeling that I wish to keep till I die is, the moment when, everytime I saw a Church, my heart race into a melodious rhythm that I myself couldn’t comprehend. At first I thought that, I missed going to church. That’s all. But honestly, its more than that. It’s not about His house, but His presence. God knows that human easily forgot. I am thankful God remind me that I am nothing without Him. God wanted to tell me that He’s always there for me, anytime, anywhere..wherever I go, wherever I am.


I always believe God will answer our prayer on His own time, and at the exact moment. On that particular Sunday, I got a beautiful message from 2 Corinthians 4. I still remember the title: Treasure in clay Jars. That day, I finally found my peace. I even meet a few friends who just like a family, who support and encourage me.

Polished like a pearl.

Dirt in the seabed, with all the unwanted particles on the sea were once not appreciated. But years of horrendous experience that we don’t even know how, or what.. had formed a beautiful pearl. I picture my life like a pearl. In times, I might not understand why, but at the end, I know God had planned everything ahead.  Beautiful on its own time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

goodbye 2011 hello 2012

Hi new day! new year! new hope! new start!
First of all i wanna say thank you Lord! sy dapat lalui n jalani tahun 2011 yg sangat mencabar. sy tertarik dgn entry kawan may.. dia recall apa yg terjadi on every month in 2011. wahh...:) interesting owh kehidupan sbagai seorg bakal cikgu.. :)

tahun 2011..hrm..yaa.. mengajar sy sangat banyak life lesson. itu sangat berharga. sy percaya..Tuhan biar sy lalui itu semua spya sy semakin dewasa mnghadapi hidup ini. sy percaya..yang semua itu bukan kebetulan tapi rencana Tuhan yg sangat indah buat sy.

awal tahun..ya..bulan yg sngat mendebarkan. sngat sibuk menguruskan my enrolment di Uni Adelaide. Tahun yg penuh kesyukuran sbp sy akhirnya dpt menjejakan kaki di bumi kangaroo. a place where i was physical n mentally challenged. apa apa pun pengalaman yg sngat menarik. pertama kali sy nampak tanah rata yang sangat luas dan lapang, dengan rumput n pemandangan yg hijau..oh..indahnya. itulah pemandangan yg sy nmpak dri atas kapal. excited bila mula2 sampai australia. the land is so vast!

bulan dua itu lah..permulaan segalanya. trying to adapt dgn susana baru, org baru, uni life n mcm2 lagi lah. i have to say..thank you kpda smua senior n kawan2 yg bnyak tolong sy. tnpa drg,.it would be impossible to adapt quickly. terima kasih atas semua tunjuk ajar and support. esp kakak2 yg sudah balik for good.

bulan 3..adalah bulan yg agak mencabar. sbp sy seperti org yg terkapai2 di bumi asing. sy mula menjauhkan diri dari org2 yang cuba rapat dengan sy. mungkin bulan 3 adalah my month of breaking point..

bulan4, ambil msa sebulan utk fikir balik semua.. sy bersyukur sebap Tuhan tidak pernah melepaskan tangan sy. bulan4 itu adalah satu perubahan utk sy. bnyak yg sy mula sedar..dan buat sy bnyak ubah attitude sy.

bulan 5, i settled down much better. I met new friends and new people. I started going church regularly.

bulan 6, I started to allow myself to get involved in club's activities.

bulan 7, the most epic adventure. Winter break with ISMA. Going for Winter Trip from Adelaide-Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane-New Castle-Adelaide. Super duper awesome experience.

Bulan 8, preperation for Malaysian Carnival

Bulan 9, Malaysian Carnival, menari tarian Inang and Hornbill dance from Sarawak. Meet new people, awesome people!

Bulan 10, Overwhelmed with how much my friend take time to bake cake for my birthday. Thank you dear!

Bulan 11, EXAM!

Bulan 12, oh yeahh...Summer Break for 3months!! Christmas!! <3