Monday, August 29, 2011

yeay..its spring!!

no more bleeding nose and getting into the sleeping bag 24/7!!
yahoo.. so relieved.. winter say good bye, and spring is saying hi!! :)

and its Hari Raya soon! tomorrow! :)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends.. May God bless u all..:)

owh..springgggggg... :) i'm so glad...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

DiGi Dear Malaysians: Official Video

i found this youtube video from my friend: miss onell
so as my response for Malaysia..i re-blog it..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

diff ppl have diff walk..

and all of them mesmerize me in a way that lit up a smile on my face and even makes me cry..
God is just so great ..
He know each and everyone of us..

i just watch Marcelito Po Moy's video in youtube..
he's talented.
He can sing in a woman n men voices.. :) <3
and watch several other videos.. :)
that's it for today..
slep time.. with a smile tugged my heart.. ^^

Thursday, August 11, 2011

hello mum..

i know i'll never understand what's her feeling right now. coz i am not a mother. no yet.
but i'm sure i will. and hopefully i am strong enough just like how strong she is to support dad and the whole family.
i know she sounds sad just now. i gave her a call. its been 2week already. i'm sorry i've been busy. it's not because i wouldn't call, it's just that i'll feel sad after calling her,when i asked about how things going at home,and are they eating well,are they sick or not, are they ok or not..
i knew mum is upset,because of "the problem". i dont know when this problem will stop. or at least heal..if i could put it that way.
i admit, that i hate it. i hate when i know my mum is sad. and i don't know what to do. i'm just so far away.
but i'm glad. my dad is super cool. love you dad! he's the calmest person i've ever met. he'll lost his temper once in a while. and that really scares me. i'll shrink if he ever get mad at me. that's the problem when he sometimes keep quiet. hopefully he'll not explode this tyme. but i know dad is always the rational one. he'll not let emotion takes place. well not all the time. but when it comes to "the problem", he's the coolest dad ever! Thanks God, i knew he went through a lot, struggling with You. that is why i'll admit that i'll never knew a man's heart. but i could guess or at least feel their heart by trying to put my self in their shoes.

i know,i couldn't cheer you up right now mum. i really want to talk you about everything here. but another time maybe? i'll pray..that God will keep us all.. go through this all together. in the mean time, hope everyone is taking care of themselves. i'll come home. soon. and i hope things will get better.

God i don't know what is Your plan in this "problem"..but i have faith in You that You want to show us something,something that we might have forgotten all this while. i now realise that time fly so fast, it's difficult to stay, thus i have to move on.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

dance!dance!dance! :)

'Datun Julud' by Kumpulan Kesenian JKKN Ibu Pejabat

our upcoming event here in Adelaide is Malaysian Carnival. will be held on 11sept.
this year,the programs would be more or less the same like last year. to have the chance to join this event give me a new refreshing commitments.
other than study,i would like to expand my circle of friends and to challenge my self more.

the video above is one of the dance that we'll perform on the Malaysian Carnival.
i never actually dance the Hornbill dance, as it is one of the Sarawak cultural dance. but i'm glad to have the opportunity to join my friend to perform !

as this is one of the effort to promote Malaysia to the Adelaideians, even if it might hold the smaller picture of it, i hope the local people will enjoy and know more about our country!
apart form this dance, there will be other type of dance. joget,zapin,indian dance to name few of them.
i'm looking forward for the day.

a bit tired during the practice today, but feel happy when my friends are enjoying themselves too. at least we are enjoying ourselves. :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


Change is Inevitable
Change is Inevitable - Quotes - Pictures

miss my friends..:)

salam sayang tuk kawan2 saya.. :)

sesungguhnya saya menangis...

nota bacaan: persoal kesetiaan,mahu dikaji semula?

bukan sbap sy cengeng..atau bugihad *org dusun bilang utk org yg suka nangis*
mungkin sy lambat sikit tau berita ni. tapi yg pnting skrg sy tau dan sy tidak la spt katak di bawah tempurung.
kerana kasih saya buat Malaysia sy nangis.
sbp sy menghargai kesempatan yg Tuhan bagi utk hidup di Malaysia.
ramai org Malaysia yg pernah tnggal d luar negara,ada yg sebap sambung study,ada yang bekerja,ada yg berhijrah,melancong..etcetc..
dan ssnguhnya tiada tempat sebaik Tanah Air sendiri. wlaupun di mana bumi dipijak disitulangit dijunjung,tapi hujan emas di negara org hujan batu di negara sendiri juga bah.

wlpun mngkin isu ni agak sensitif,sy tia rasa marah or benci. tapi sy terkilan.
kenapa sekarang baru mau ungkit pasal ni rasa skrg hak bersama yang suda dinyatakan dlm perlembagaan suda ckup jelas. knapa mau guna agama seolah2 mau menangkan satu pihak. sesungguhnya sy hormat semua agama di Malaysia. dan sepatutnya semua warga Malaysia juga harus saling menghormati. ya,ruang untuk mengongsikan ajaran agama kita itu boleh saja.ruang terbuka luas.kerana setiap orang mempunyai pilihan dan boleh membuat pilihan. tapi hak itu pun sepertinya sudah diviolate.
janganlah disebabkan agama,kita jdikan alasan untuk putarbelitkan tentang hak.
sy sendiri sudah rasa sangat bersyukur n berterima kasih sebap setakat ni,hak kita semua sama rata. mungkin ada juga yang berat sebelah atau rasa ketidak adilan..tapi janganlah krana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga.jganlah kerana sedikit tidak puas hati,we ruin the big picture. apabila kenyataan itu dikeluarkan,adakah pendapat semua orang sudah diambil kira?? mungkin saja ada yang tidak sependapat dengan kenyataan itu. dan kalau ada pun yang setuju..sudahkah kita berfikir secara logik,dengan mengmbil keputusan berdasarkan alasan dan bukti yang nyata??  hal yang kita boleh bawa bincang and runding baik2,kenapa tidak selesaikan melalui wadah yang lebih harmoni. tidak perlu kita warwarkan hal ini dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang boleh mengguriskan hati pihak2 yang berkaitan.

"Criticism is necessary and useful; it is often indispensable; but it can never take the place of action, or be even a poor substitute for it. The function of the mere critic is of very subordinate usefulness. It is the doer of deeds who actually counts in the battle for life, and not the man who looks on and says how the fight ought to be fought, without himself sharing the stress and the danger." (1894)

ya,bagus juga kalau ada keterbukaan. salah satu human rights adalah freedom of speech dan freedom of expression. dan kerana keterbukaan adalah salah satu permulaan untuk satu pemulihan. kalau mau dikaji semula silakan. tapi janganlah kerana disebabkan oleh alasan2 yang mempunya dasar yang tidak jelas. dan salah satu lagi human rights juga adalah the rights to have rights.

apa kata pejuang human rights???

"If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain."
-Emily Dickinson

ingat lah org yang menghakimi orang lain dengan ukurannya sendiri, ukuran itu akan dipakaikan juga kepada dirinya sendiri. adalah lebih baik kita berjuang untuk keharmonian daripada memecahbelahkan satu bangsa yang berdaulat,di bawah satu payung negara.

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction of any kind, such as race, creed, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person."
—Principle 1, ICPD Programme of Action

marilah kita sama-sama tanamkan nilai rasa bersyukur. Waktu join Biro Tata Negara dulu,baru saya tahu yang permulaan sebuah negara itu adalah negara itu sendiri,tanah yang kita pijak,bukan bermula dari politik,agama,ekonomi atau education. 
lagipun kan Pada mulanya Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. jadi kenapa kita tidak jaga negara kita bagus2..
trus lemah semangat saya mau cakap 1Malaysia kalau hal2 seperti ini terjadi. 
Sesungguhnya,kami sangat rasa bersyukur. Dan mengucapkan terima kasih. Kami pun selalu berdoa untuk negara kita Malaysia,baik untuk pemimpin supaya ada hikmat utk meneraju kerajaan,juga berdoa untuk negara baik dari segi politik,ekonomi dan sosial.

Mana sudah semangat satu bangsa macam waktu Merdeka dulu? saya yang naif tentang makna perjuangan kadang2 mau juga rasa tu semangat satu bangsa macam yang saya belajar tentang kemerdekaan di sekolah dulu..

mari kita renungkan...

letter to student..:) a letter that inspires me!

by my sir: a letter during my foundation..last year..its good to read them remind me.. :)

It's the 2nd of March, and so far, I have received only one book review.
How's the reading program getting on? I understand that you are facing
lots of test, assignments and projects. And each of them contribute
towards the final internal assessment. Some are also struggling with the
English language proficiency.

My friend, a female lecturer, once said that 'the job of a lecturer is
design to be hated'. You see, during holidays, lecturers will spent hours
to think of ways and methods on how best to torture our students. The PE
and reading program are designed to crunch and torture your minds and
body. Kekeke...

You see, we cannot train and foster ourselves if everything is arrange
neatly. That our problem arrive one at a time. And life always has this
sense of humor that when shit strikes, it strikes from every angles, at
the same time. Thus, we cannot fight the problems that life throws at us
if we do not train ourselves now. And for people who are overcome by
life's difficulties, they will lead sad and miserable life of a failure.

You have two options. You may ignore the PE and reading program, and
participate ONLY when you have the time (which means never), or you can
fight to make full use of every minute from today onwards and push
yourselves to the limit, participate in everything design by your
lecturers. Stop complaining and stop whinning. Grit your teeth and say
-'Is that all you've got? C'mon, bring it on!'

Once, I was a teenager also, and like you (i think) my time management and
self-discipline was terrible. My daily bath last about 45 mins to an hour,
and I waste hours away doing nothing. Then, when I was in form 6, I took
up a leadership position in the Brass Band, taking charge of weekly
practices program and also the welfare of more than 30 band members.

It was madness as I just couldn't find enough time to fulfil all the
responsibilities. Then, a senior taught me to reorganise and reflect on my
time management. That's how I raise my productivity by increasing my
efficiency in routine task - like bath time cut to 5 minutes, and be more
focus and effective in my study.

All the minutes I saved, I used it to practise on my instrument, plan and
prepare for band practices (which include motivation, drills, music
theory, sectional and combine music sessions, review and planning
meetings, etc.)

Well, this is a challenge. My challenge to you. If you just focus on your
study and get good grades, then, you are a good student, nothing
extraordinary. If you do all that, PLUS the PE and reading program, then,
you are an excellent student. Your choice.

The thing is, most people will choose the easier path, the path of least
resistance. But then, if you do that, you will never grow into a truly
capable leader with strong character who can make a significant positive
difference to society.

Youth is a time for construction. Youth is the time to build a really
solid foundation. In other words, youth is a time to suffer. Trees inside
a glass house, protected from strong winds and rain, will never grow into
majestic, solid trees. A little wind is enough to uproot the entire tree.

This I can promise you - If you push yourself really hard for the next
five years, all the efforts and struggles, pain and sweat, tears and
blood, will become the most precious memories and also the greatest
treasure you can have when you grow old.

It is not an exaggeration to say that how your entire life will turn out
to be will determine by what you decide to do, or not do, during your

When you are in your forties, you will look back, and understand how
important these trainings are, and how lucky you are to be able to train
yourself when you are young.

p/s: Thank you sir!!! :)) 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the real me: i like to eat icecream

ahh,,,delicious... :))
ice cream will do,
to cheer me up..^^
i'll never resist if someone give me.. :)

choc mint pun sdap,VANILLA,choc,strawbery,rainbow,TROPICANA,,
apa2 ja .. :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


i just realised that i'm being too emotional yg dulu.. bila sy reasoned2 balik..aduyaii..
pilihan sy silap bah. abis sy choose tuk emo2.padahal,sy boleh pilih utk rsa gembira n be positive.

when i look at other people yg prnh mnhdpi situasi yg sama dg sy,bru sy sedar..
"owhh..begitu pula saya dulu"..
tapi nda la sy mnyesal. sy rsa sngt2 brsyukur sbp Tuhan bagi peluang utk sy lalui semua tu..
semuaa ini la..
terima kasih..:)

i'm looking forward to go uni esok!!:) yeahh..
take care semua..God bless...